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Thirty Days of Thank Yous — The Reveal

Make Peace Brothers Singing Thank You

Make Peace Brothers ( singing Thank You
June 1st I posted my intention to write thirty thank you cards in thirty days.  I was inspired by Patti Digh saying she writes one thank you note a day.  I gave myself the challenge, and this is what I learned about myself:

1.  Writing thank you cards created internal space — with each card written I had more energy.  I discovered a thank you note felt like completing a transaction.  It was like adding punctuation to a sentence.

2.  I felt as though I were ordering more Grace from the Universe with each card.  There is a power in the written word, as it is an idea that has taken form….from head to word.  As I paused to honor those I resonated with; it was as though I were saying “this is it. I love this. I am open to more.”

3.  I was unable to write one a day.  My body would not let me.  I tried and was successful for the first four days and then it felt horrible inside my body like it was a “task I had to do” or a “mandatory jail sentence.”  I reframed the assignment to not daily, but thirty in the month.  My own natural rhythm was three cards every three days.  For me there was an internal build up and the flow of writing three in a row felt prosperous.

4. Speaking of rules I set up for myself, I promised to have all of my cards hand written. This was easy-peasy for the connections in my life.  For the authors, artists, and spiritual teachers who I wanted to acknowledge and didn’t personally know, I modified my rule as the practice was more important than the form.  I used ‘internet forms” for my thank yous.

4.  Twenty percent of those who received a card (6) acknowledged receipt in some way.  This was unexpected and quite nice.

5.  During my practice, I received one hand written thank you note.  This is the first I’d received since Christopher’s annual Christmas thank you note.  Take Christopher out of the mix and it was the first thank you note in years.  I was awake to the principle of attraction.  Zero in years and then when I make it a practice one appears “out of the blue”.  Hmmmm.

Thank you for your interest in this topic.


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