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Loving Despite Circumstances

  In October I began the job of Spiritual Leader at Unity Spiritual Center, Spokane. Each month there is a theme for the talks I give and each Sunday talk falls under that theme. In June I spoke of musical artists and their expression/relationship with God, The Flow, The Eternal, The Muse…whatever is both beyond and within that finds Itself in the cross section of the two. In July our Center watched movies together and looked at the spiritual messaging within the movies. Our summer finale focuses on inventors and innovators OR activating the Genius available to all of us. This Sunday I am going to talk about George Washington Carver. I fell in love with his gentle Spirit, just researching him. For a few hours I put myself into his shoes and walked within them with Carver in my mind. I touched a gentle presence within me that is very curious about life and its responsiveness to a higher level of Life. George Washington Carver was born as...

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Consciously Closing 2018

Welcome to the last six days of 2018! A client asked me several weeks ago how I go about consciously closing out my year. I have a practice that begins the last quarter of the year when I begin making a list of what I want to make sure I don’t bring with me into the new year of 2019. One of commitments I made to myself was I was NOT going to bring game apps into my 2019. I started playing games on my phone four years ago when a client’s wife told me that they increased brain function and I believed her. What I have learned after four years of playing games while waiting in line, watching television, and when I snatch a minute here or there is that I have become a game addict and traded in much of my creative imagination for game playing. I will not be bringing computer games into 2019 and so on the 31st I will host a ritual that will...

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Defining Forgiveness

To forgive is to accept what is. To forgive is to love regardless of what is. To forgive is to not put anyone out of my heart. To forgive is to choose to love even and especially when it is not convenient. To forgive is to be a place of Grace. To forgive is to refuse to throw someone including oneself under the bus. To forgive is to choose to not slime someone else with my projections or to clean up the slime from my projection. To forgive is to acknowledge the Divine within human circumstances. Many spiritual teachers say forgiveness isn’t necessary. This is true. When One’s Consciousness connects with the High Truth that All is God and everything can and does happen on planet earth and Life is Eternal, then forgiveness isn’t necessary. Isness exists and all of life within it. However, most spiritual pilgrims have not connected with or live from this consciousness. From a dualistic consciousness, forgiveness is the practice that gathers together the pieces...

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Becoming the Mother and Daughter Consciousness

I remember the first time I interpreted the Prodigal Son story from the perspective of The Father consciousness instead of, or in addition to, The Son consciousness. The message is The Father is one of Unconditional Love; and celebration of the son regardless of his wayward nature. The Son Consciousness is one of returning to Love, humility/openness, and, receptivity regardless of self opinion. It feels terrific being the always loved child; knowing there is a Presence which loves me always and regardless. And, the spiritual maturity came for me when I was willing to be a place for the Father/Parent consciousness to be revealed within me that I may be the place of the Loving and the loved; the giving forth and the receiving; the Mother and the daughter. Michael Berg in his book The Way, based upon teachings of the Kabbalah, lays out creation in three steps as I interpreted it: 1. God gives forth; 2. We receive the givingness of God; and 3. We then re-enact creation by...

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Outwitting The Devil

I have been known to gobble, not savor books.  This one was no exception. You see, Napoleon Hill’s work was influential with me in my 20s and 30s as I was learning my way around the work world and becoming awake to the power of my consciousness.  His book Think and Grow Rich served me well for two decades.  In it I learned the power of a Master Mind group, creating and implementing a plan and keeping good counsel with myself.  I became who I am now partly due to the influence of this one small book.  Hill’s book was written in 1938 just following Think and Grow Rich but was kept in a vault until this year and Hill’s family and advisors had passed away.  Sharon Letcher was asked to bring this work into the world and is listed as co-author. So, my interest was peaked when I saw my friend Mary had “liked” this book on Facebook.  I ordered it and when it arrived I sat and...

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