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God at the Jimmy Buffett Concert

  Where have you witnessed The Eternal, Loving, Powerful Presence we call God today? This Presence is Everywhere; have you acknowledged It? Celebrated It? Spoken of It? In the midst of all of the crazy, ugly, violent media reports, have you stopped to see that your life is filled with a Presence so generous that you can smell Its Grace and can’t help but scream out “I saw God today?” My daughter surprised me with Jimmy Buffett tickets as an I love you mom gift. The two of us followed a sea of parrot and shark skin hats on grey and balding heads toward the concert’s location … The MGM Grand concert venue. As I watched groups of friends wearing matching themed shirts, couples holding hands, women dressed as mermaids and men as sharks, I felt a Joy well-up around me. Love was present. Love of music, love of shared memories, love of each other, love of playfulness. In line we overheard people recount the many Jimmy Buffet concerts they’d attended...

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If All is God…Then Why Beat Ourselves Up for How We Feel?

After my morning meditation, I turned on my computer to go through my emails. I found a blog I subscribe to where the writer felt much relief by admitting her relationship with her husband wasn’t going that well. She said the more friends she told, the more relief she felt and the more relief her friends experienced by admitting that marriage isn’t always perfect. I was struck by my perception that our culture does everything and anything, overall, to make certain emotions of ours unacceptable and wrong. Spiritual teachings tend to also do this. Many spiritual teachers suggest reaching for a higher emotion, as though the one we’re in is not holy. Others suggest certain emotions are not real, or are not of God. The small ‘t’ truth is the transitory nature of our being. As spiritual beings we are mind, emotions, body, and Spirit. Every intuitive teacher I have spoken with says they embraced all of their emotional registry as a way to access their intuition. Recovering addicts...

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Pig Tails and God

    I am blessed with a highly creative daughter who has a great sense of humor. While in high school she went through a program that allowed her to attend high school and college simultaneously. She decided to take Cosmetology Management. Part of this program was practicing hair styles on people. My dad thought he had a good sense of humor and would crack himself up telling jokes which others didn’t find too funny. Last week my daughter sent me a text message which read “Pigtails” and had the following photo of my 9 month old grand baby’s first hair style: (You have to look closely as her hair color and background are pretty close in color). As I clicked on this message and saw the photo, I felt the energy of my daughter and the love the two of us share come through this text. I was pulled into my grand daughter’s joy and the love my daughter has for her. In that same shared moment, I...

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My God is Love

I sit today with more questions than answers; rich in potential revelations open receptive slightly curious recalling. An Indian guru this week said with reverence “God is really feminine in energy as She creates, giving birth all of the time.” I wonder, why then, are women diminished hated, brutalized, used throughout the world I occupy. Is it a statement really toward God and potency, not women? I pick up a book by Alice Walker Anything We Love Can Be Saved, its title. I decide I will love all that is feminine, masculine, and alive. My world will change. My God will be Love. I change the tense to the present. My God is Love. I have a new prayer. Bonnie Barnard,...

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