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A Year in (Visual) Review

Beginnings, middles and ends tend to be important to me.

If my year has been more bad than good, I am grateful it is over.  “Phew, thank God, I can start again.”  If more joy than pain, I celebrate this.  “Yippee, winner.”  (is that word Trademarked now?)  Always a triumph in the flipping of the calendar from one year to the next.  For closure, I create a comprehensive list of anything remaining to forgive or leave behind, then I do it.  Followed by a list of gratitudes, which I hang out in a bit.  Then, the intention or theme I’ve set for the year, I imagine in my journal.

This year, while contemplating my closure within my blog, I decided upon a “year in pictures” selecting photos which in some way open my heart a bit.  Here goes …

2011 begins.  Happy New Year is the picture I have on my Face Book profile for the month of January.





Daughter wins Bingo … raise your hand higher, honey!



Really?  An adjustable toilet seat?  How fat are we Americans that the regular commode no longer serves us?  Really?  Yes, I took a photo in the bathroom.



July camping trip with friends in Flagstaff. Photo of self reading during out “quiet time” between eating and painting.

Van Gogh art class at Carrie Curran Studios with friend Kristi Van Gogh.






A Hawaiian birthday celebration with my Sister and a few friends.




Yep, that is a zip lining hat and I joined others in a “zip” across the inner island of Kauai.

Non technical Bonnie at WordCamp studying WordPress? You must be mad … nope, the facilitator is teaching about the news pitch funnel … ssshhhhh.






Okay, is that really a photo of deodorant? Like a toilet wasn’t enough … yes, not only is this deodorant, but an answer to a six year prayer. Looking for a healthy (without chemicals), good smelling (not baby powder), long lasting (through hormone fluctuations) pit option I found one through Young Living! It was a big moment this year.

This November I turned 50, the big 5-0. A birthday party in Phoenix yielded this gorgeous painting, now donning my family room.

Happy New Year. Remember, there is but One Love …






Happy New Year! May you experience much Love, Joy, Peace, Prosperity and Beauty in 2012,

Bonnie (a.k.a.) Tiki

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