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Defining Forgiveness

To forgive is to accept what is. To forgive is to love regardless of what is. To forgive is to not put anyone out of my heart. To forgive is to choose to love even and especially when it is not convenient. To forgive is to be a place of Grace. To forgive is to refuse to throw someone including oneself under the bus. To forgive is to choose to not slime someone else with my projections or to clean up the slime from my projection. To forgive is to acknowledge the Divine within human circumstances.

Many spiritual teachers say forgiveness isn’t necessary. This is true. When One’s Consciousness connects with the High Truth that All is God and everything can and does happen on planet earth and Life is Eternal, then forgiveness isn’t necessary. Isness exists and all of life within it. However, most spiritual pilgrims have not connected with or live from this consciousness. From a dualistic consciousness, forgiveness is the practice that gathers together the pieces from separate into the Truth of One Whole. It is the realization that the perceived wound was necessary for the Soul to emerge and therefore was a gift. The seeming wound becomes the place for opening to happen.

Therefore, forgiveness has two primary intentions:

Firstly, it is to mend the perceived gap of separation; separation from self; separation from other and/or separation from God. This practice may include with it actions of atonement (at-one-ment).

An example of this would be when a neighbor kid very hurriedly sped down the street in his car and my dog jetted out in the middle of the street to get run over. Feeling horrible, the young man stopped and asked how he could help. I thanked him for his concern while my daughter and wrapped the dog, jumped into the car and went to the vets. The following day the young driver stopped by to check on the dog, apologize, and offer to pay for the vet bill. These actions were in alignment with making whole.

Secondly, forgiveness is a state of Grace Consciousness. It is the acceptance of what is without making wrong and inviting the Soul to arise within all situations. An example of this may be experiencing betrayal and letting the painful energy crack the heart open so that more compassion may come