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Remember to Include This in Your 2019 Goals

Dear Friends,


Remember to include this in your 2019 goals … YOU!!! Yes, remember to include what you love, enjoy, want, desire, yearn for, what brings you juice. Remember to prioritize YOU in your goals.

Last blog I wrote about setting goals for 2019 and I didn’t invite you to step into the vortex of fun and speak from there. And, it is never to late to develop or to revise your goals. In fact, everything that you commit to is revisable and mutable; you just want to utilize your discretion.

This is how goals work. You decide what you want to create, make happen, grow into for 2019, ending in 2020. Then in 2020 you are able to look back and see if these goals were manifest or if they were moved toward. In the meanwhile, you prioritize your goals over all else in order to ensure they come to fruition. Goals, as I see them, come out of desire. De-sire is made up of two meanings. “De” means “of the” and “sire” meaning Father. Goals are sacred and uniquely represent YOU and what you want to move toward and ultimately become. Once your three goals are clear then they are calendared in the beginning of the week into your week so you ensure movement on each one of the three goals. Then each day you ask yourself in your morning meditation “what three things am I to do today to further the three goals.” As you do this, you align your goals with the 52 weeks and 365 days that are yours this year.

As I have been continuing to ask about my goals in meditation they are becoming more clear. I mentioned in the last blog that I intend to grow my ministry with greater outreach and financial reward. The “how” is starting to reveal itself through meditation. I will be developing some on-line classes, increasing my one-on-one sessions and expanding my visibility through utilizing YouTube. I attended a YouTube Bootcamp, participate in a Meet Up on the topic, and am taking an on-line YouTube course. The second goal I set was to increase my network and I have done this through attending meditation groups around town (one of my loves and specialties) and signing up for classes in complementary areas to my primary work. I am taking an herbal certification class and a Shaman course. My third goal was revealed to me and I am so jazzed about it. I am committed to absolutely totally and completely love my body as much as I love God — knowing my body is a manifest form of God and is pure God-stuff. My body is Holy. As I continue to embrace this more deeply, I will be creating meditations to support me in the practice and process. Stay tuned.

I noticed something interesting this past month as I’ve worked with clients on setting their goals for 2019. Each one of them has said to me in some form “I am including what I love this year in my goals.” Yippee. Bingo. Awesome. Delightful. My clients tend to be entrepreneurs and business professionals who love their work. They have overcome one of life’s biggest hurdles, which is choosing or creating a profession that allows them to self-express. If you don’t love what you do each day; that requires re-evaluation. However, for those of us who love work so much and it consumes the majority of our lives, then to look at how we invest ourselves outside of work ought to include what we love in it (which is a vastly different energy than obligation). My clients have committed to taking dance classes, meditation classes, art classes, making time for art, throwing dinner parties, spending more one-on-one time with girlfriends, joining movie clubs — and with each commitment I feel a somersault inside my heart. Life is to be enjoyed.

In Dr. Christiane Northrup M.D.’s book Goddesses Never Age, she says the following:

Consider a discipline of pleasure to be an investment in your health. A joyful heart and a body that experiences pleasure and nurturing are your most reliable health insurance.”

Pleasure is powerful medicine indeed. We know this to be true because our bodies are actually wired to repair and renew themselves optimally when we are happy.”

Cells in our brains, blood, blood vessels, and lungs produce a signaling molecule, or gas, called nitric oxide or NO (not to be confused with the nitrous oxide used in dentistry better known as laughing gas). The production of nitric oxide is triggered by laughter, orgasm, and other experiences of pleasure, as well as by eating fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants, meditating, and exercising (nitric oxide is at work in the sensation of “runner’s high”). Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessel walls, which allows the vessels to wide and encourages more blood to flow through them.”

What does pleasure, joy, contentment look like in the form of a goal for you in 2019?

Love, love, love,

Did you know that Reverend Bonnie is reading a daily lesson from her book A Year of Go(o)d on her Facebook page? She is reading the first thirty lessons and  you can find them at

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