Love Is Still (And Always Is) The Answer

Photo from the pancreas cancer website.
This morning I walked to the local farmer’s market for some raw bee pollen and along the way encountered hundreds of people dressed in purple shirts. I asked one of the t-shirt clad folks what they were up to. I learned they were about to embark on a walk for research, a cure, and those they love who have pancreatic cancer.
I was immediately transported back fifteen years ago (or thereabouts) when I walked sixty miles for breast cancer. A smile crossed my face and my heart opened as I recalled the blisters, sunstroke, laughter, signs, and conversations with those who chose to walk because somehow Love inspired them. Life inspired them. Each walker in their own way felt compelled to say YES to a new and different possibility with each step. This morning I was transported into this Love Energy and it melted the cynicism I allowed to touch me this past week.

Walkers behind my condo through my office window
Despite all of the craziness going on in our country right now; LOVE still wins. The women, men and children who were up early with signs to support walkers, or tennis shoes to walk themselves knew something that I needed to be reminded of — taking action from Love heals, uplifts, and serves humanity in ways that cannot be measured.
I believe it was Desmund Tutu who said that love isn’t for the faint of heart; it isn’t mushy and airy fairy. It is a powerful, universal force that changes everything; and, it is hard. It is not easy when hurt to forgive another. It is not easy when someone has stolen, broken, sent hate in your direction to decide to love, instead. It can be a challenge to remember that something magical is happening each time we connect with the Invisible Field of Love in the midst of a disliked physical, tangible, sense-based experience. And, we can. I needed to be reminded this morning that Love is bigger than any thought my mind can conjure.
Did you know that Reverend Bonnie provides private one-on-one prayer sessions through the phone and Skype? If you are interested in prayer supporting you on your spiritual walk, contact Reverend Bonnie at