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What is Resurrecting Within You?

Dear Friends,


May your Easter reveal the message of resurrection within your Soul and may you become made new.

Our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrated Passover this week. During the seder meal they asked the question: “What makes this night different from all nights?” This question is one of one renewal. We could stop at any moment of our day to ask “what makes this moment unique, alive, vibrant?” We could ask where life is at this moment in the context of our circumstances. Life is ALWAYS present. This practice is what many of us are doing at this moment of quarantine.

Image of Earth from NASA

Quantum physics would have us ponder the questions, “what is wanting to emerge here?” Looking at the edges of the outer world and the center of the inner world is a mystical practice of co-creation. What is wanting to emerge. Let me give you an example. Wednesday night I heard on the news that one person was dying every 45 seconds in America (on Wednesday). I stopped and was instantly aware that Wednesday was different than all other nights. I became quiet. I felt into the air around me. I felt the sacred energy of the Invisible Realm and stopped to stand witness to the mass exodus from our planet right now. I had a service for these Souls. I thanked God for their presence on the planet and the contributions they made. I became increasing silent as I watched individual light streams gather into a bright communal light that surrounds the planet. I had feelings of safety, protection, deep love, and honor. Then I decided Good Friday would be a day of prayer, meditation, and quiet.

Good Friday was just that. I stood witness to the energetic shift that is happening upon our planet and it felt as though I were a part of a celestial graduation ceremony where I watched Souls leave bodies and with each one I watched, I empathically felt an energy of immense freedom. Tears ran down my cheeks. I made a note to myself to explore being that free within my body. And I laughed. My best friend since Kindergarten called. Her brother had just taken his last breath and died. I paused, prayed, and stood witness to his life. More prayers for my friend, her brother, his wife and kids, and the planet.

Image of Earth from NASA

Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith has said throughout this pandemic experience, “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste.” Since the beginning of civilization there hasn’t been a time until now when the entire world has stopped producing, gone inside of ones’ home, to wait. Let us commit to our waiting as a period of Divine Incubation. If you are a front line worker, thank you. I know you are surrounded by the Grace of God ALWAYS and your example of being of service is being watched and appreciated by millions. Your willingness to serve changes all of us. If you are parent playing teacher to your kids during this time, aren’t you wanting to increase teacher pay about now? As a people we are rethinking who we are, what we value, and how we show up for each other. This is a resurrection moment.

You and I live within our own selves. There is a personal story going on. We live within a  culture. There is a cultural narrative that you and I contribute to sculpting. And there is a spiritual revelation happening. This Easter, may we turn to our Inner High and Holy Spirit and ask that we may be shown who we are to be individually and what voice we are to add to the culture collectively that this crisis does not go to waste and more of Heaven may be experienced on Earth.

Happy Easter Soul Friends,



“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” Romans 6:4-5

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