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Poetry in My In-Box

    On the phone with a friend yesterday, we spoke about the impending birth of my grand daughter. “How will I know if she is close to her arrival?”  I inquired. “When your daughter begins nesting and preparing for her arrival, you will know.  Washing the baby’s clothes is a clue,” says my buddy. If someone were to ask me a clue for when their Soul was preparing to open, I would say, “You become quiet and still.  You see your life from a space of animated energy.  You become a poetry magnet.  You will consuming it or write it like your life depends upon it.  Maybe both.  Poetry pulls the Soul forward, or the Soul pulls it.” Ivan, of Poetry Chikhana knows this.  Several times per week he compiles thoughtful poems, a thought for the day, and his insight into the poem.  This week’s poem is deee-lish. Last night, as I was sleeping By Antonio Machado (1875 – 1939) English version by Robert Bly Last night,...

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