The Reasons I Love You
Young Bonnie
Friday evening I attended a memorial service for a man who loved greatly while he was on this planet, and as a result had approximately 500 people show up for a service that lasted over two hours. His god daughter was one of the speakers who had written a letter/poem for her adopted father-figure entitled “The Reasons I Love You.” Her list included the slumber parties he and his wife hosted at their home for her, the game nights and gatherings, the teaching of principles and more. As she read her list I wanted to compile a list for everyone I love. What a beautiful way to honor oneself and the other person; both.
Love is another name for God. It is the Ever-Present, Never-Exhaustible, energy of witnessing and appreciating the Only Thing that Is.
As today is Father’s Day and my dad is no longer on the planet in physical form, I get the pleasure of connecting with him in the Invisible. Sometimes I experience my dad by accessing memories. Shortly after his passing he visited me as an apparition right in front of my eyes; which blew even me away. Other times I dream about him where my subconscious brings him forward in storytelling. A few times he has come into my dreams where I know it was his energy. When he shows up it is important — instructive, affirming or a warning. There are some symbols that remind me of my dad that when I see them I feel his presence; like black licorice or baseballs. In other words, death hasn’t stopped our relationship.
In honor of dad today, I will compile a short list, and invite you to do the same.
The Reasons I Love You
I love you for teaching me that we are on this planet to love what we do and do what we love.
I love you for having your passion be around inventions. Going into your office reminded me of the power of an idea
Dad’s college photo
moving from the invisible to visible world with the anticipation of making a difference.
I love you because you kept your world bigger than family and work by getting involved in the community and volunteering your time and talent.
I love you because you were so uncomfortable around emotions and emotional children (aka me) but it didn’t stop you from being around them and me.
I love you because when I was sexually-harassed in the workplace and didn’t know what to do, you showed up uncomfortably, with the Power of Positive Thinking book. You told me you didn’t know what to do, but thought a book might help.
I love that your law firm, under your direction, was the first in Seattle to hire a female attorney, betting that someday they would add a lot to the field of law.
I love how much you loved my daughter and how loudly you let her know it.
I love you for how honestly you shared how hard cultural changes were for you and how unwilling you were to keep up. I love you for admitting your fear in the face of illness, and your vulnerability of not wanting to be alone.
I love you for being you, and today, on Father’s Day, I celebrate the man you were and the spirit you now are.
Happy Father’s Day to all dad’s,