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My New Favorite Word

  “Words are bundles of energy wrapped in meaning passed to oneself or another for interpretation, response, and eventual digestion.” Rev. Bonnie I guess you can say I’m a “wordie,” which would be like a “foodie” but with words. I sit with words for hours, days, and sometimes years soaking in the original intention and its energy field; inviting the meaning of that word to refine me. Words are the building blocks of sentences which express thoughts unique to me; unique to another; and together a shared ‘we’ of understanding. My friend Quinn, a poet, collects words. She has a box she puts them in and pulls them out for inspiration. Some words have a magnificent sound about them. I honor the word pomegranate for its hearty, substantive sound which comes with a quirky deep red visual. I built a box like Quinn and pomegranate was my first word in. Some words feel good to my tongue and mouth as they pass from the insight outwardly; like “magnificence.” In addition to the melodic...

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Can You Become Such a King? (Poem)

  Can You Become Such a King? I want that kind of grace from God that when it hits I won’t get off the floor for days. And when I finally do stagger into a semblance of poise I will still need a cane and shoulder to help me walk, and I will need great patience from any who try to decipher my slurred speech. You should forget about knowing the Friend unless you are willing to kiss the world with great abandon. Locked like a pair of dogs, openly making love in the streets, impervious to shouts and pails of water being thrown and glares from eyes that pass. Can you become such an ego-less king? -Rumi Taken from Love Poems from God; Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West...

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The Sacraments by Francis of Assisi (Poem)

  The Sacraments I once spoke to my friend, an old squirrel, about the Sacraments — he got so excited. and ran into a hallow in his tree and came back holding some acorns, an owl feather, and a ribbon he found. And I just smiled and said, “Yes dear, you understand: Everything imparts His grace.     Poem taken from Love Poems from God; Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West Daniel Ladinsky Poem attributed to St. Francis of...

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For Just a Moment

  I returned to the Pacific Northwest for a brief moment earlier this month. Driving on roads covered in a blanket of leaves, windshield wipers batting the rain off the glass, pre-mature Christmas music playing louder than my thoughts, I pulled to the side of the road wanting time to stand still. Keenly aware that Life is so much bigger than my wanting; I grabbed my journal and pen and wrote about my desire for time to stand still for a moment. Craving the temporary to change places with the Eternal, knowing that it can’t and won’t. Desperately wanting for the people I love to remain beloved, and forms to not shift. I knew this could not and will not happen, and yet, I was aware of the deep desire within me to own the beautiful familiar … for even just a moment.  This Moment Life is now faster than me. I want to possess the land I know will outlive me. Today it’s not enough to stand witness to its beauty and appreciate it. I want...

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Change the World in One Hour

  This past week I participated in a workshop where our class was given the assignment to create and execute a community service project in one hour. The project was to stretch us and to be beneficial to the world. We chose to create a Peace Poem uploading a peace sentence provided by friends and strangers. Each act of service, as we know, has the potential to transform the world. It is my hope this video brings you some joy. Happy...

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Broken Heartedness

“We are pain and what cures pain, both.”  Rumi “What is real can never be fully taken away; its essence always remains.” Poet David Whyte Many years ago, my heart broke wide open and since then I have not been the same. It splintered after an operation and my body wasn’t recovering well. My heart broke for the vulnerability and fragility of my physical being. At the same time, my father died. The grief oozed through my body and I saw everything through the temporal lens of death. Listening to a song I would say to myself “this could be the last time I hear this song,” then I’d cry for its beauty. Watching sunrises and sunsets choked me up more. I couldn’t imagine anything more beautiful and I knew there would be a time when my eyes would behold its last. At the same time, a major relationship ended. I chose to leave my home town and relocate to a city far away from family and friends and...

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