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Is This REALLY Urgent?

Dear Friends,“We have to talk NOW.” “Can you call me this afternoon, this can’t wait?” “We need a decision right away.” “You’ll miss this window of opportunity if you don’t act now.” “I can’t go any further without your input.”

I lay in bed with pneumonia as the phone rings and each caller at the end of the phone has what they consider to be an urgent situation that then is to become my urgency. As my energetic capacity is slight, my ability to assess the true emergent is keen. Not one of the URGENTpanicked “must do, must have or must act now” was REALLY urgent. I watched the callers acting from this crescendoed peak energy of the now or never.

Finding this curious, I have been observing and inquiring into this energy pattern for several months. This is what I’ve come to know:

We are trained into this idea of a short window in most part by artificial deadlines imposed by corporate marketing strategies. The idea of urgent is a medical terminology referencing saving a life. I intentionally chose the word “deadline” in the previous sentence. Urgent was then co-opted by marketers as a sales strategy; and a quite effective one.

Begin to listen to the commercials as they enter into your mind whether you are consciously listening to them or not. “Today only.” “Act now.” “Through Friday, then it is over.” We begin to hear an underlying idea that without responding to someone else’s agenda; we lose. We have also been trained to think in terms of winning and losing with the reinforced power of “the win.” Something kicks into our adrenaline system when we take in the message win or lose and unconsciously we move toward the “win” whether we want the item or not. It becomes a compulsion that to our unconscious self carries the weight of life or death. For sensitive people, this chronic “act now” message can wear heavy on the adrenaline system and impact physical and emotional health. Waking up to the insidious nature of this pattern can be liberating.

My well-meaning phone callers, then, are acting from their training. Believing that someone’s attention can only be tapped into for a nanosecond and packaged in a panic, this unconscious strategy has become effective. Its efficacy is lessened when it used upon someone with a diminished energetic capacity or an awakened consciousness that chooses to play outside of this hypnotized pattern.


Meditation, Nature, Silence, Breath …

Meditation is the greatest practice to wake up to any pattern and to become free from those that unconsciously bind. Quiet. Silence. Nature. Breath. All remind us of the Eternal Nature that exists outside of time. Time was created by man as a form of measurement. It can be very useful and I like the invention – it allows me to know when my friend’s flight is due to arrive so I can meet her at the airport. It is useful. Meditation, and sitting within the Eternal wakes us up to the value of time as a tool for planning instead of as a manipulation force.

Discernment is a spiritual skill cultivated, also, through meditation. Right Timing and Right Action exist within the Spiritual Realm that houses discernment. The inherent motivation that exists in living from the Spiritual Realm brings with it everything for the fulfillment of Divinely Inspired action. Urgency isn’t necessary. Placing pressure upon self or another isn’t necessary. The energy of the fulfillment is enough.

I invite you, if you don’t already, to begin a daily meditation practice. What I can promise you over time you will become more clear and you will move different in the world.


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