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Waimea Wisdom


I am in Kauai celebrating a significant milestone birthday.

My desire for myself?

To see, know, recognize, give, and receive love in all of its magnificent forms. It has become a practice for me. I can sit in any situation and say “I spy with my own little eye, love ….” The Course in Miracles says everything is love or a cry for love. If this is indeed true, then I ought to see/experience if I give it attention.

Kauai is an Hawaiian island where I have visited:
as a child to play with my family,
as a young adult to heal from heartbreak,
with my daughter to bond and learn,
to write my first book captive on a balcony overlooking the roaring Pacific,
to explore deepening relationships with others,
and now to celebrate who I’ve been and who I’m becoming in the next phase of unfolding.

Yesterday I stood atop Waimea Canyon, the mini-Grand Canyon, reading this passage from mystic-teacher Joel Goldsmith:

Flow, God; flow! Flow into me and through me, and out into the vast world.” As I read this I moved my arms from the side of my body outward and expanded toward the canyon with the affirmation “into me and out into the vast world” using my body to mimic the language.

Often when we have an intention, we call something forth with an internal cleansing immediately following. Unattractive stuff comes up for blessing, healing and a desire to pass.

This happened to me in a dream state last night.

After strongly claiming flow throughout me, I dreamt one experience after the next laden with life experiences where love didn’t appear to be present. Startled, I sat up and consciously walked to the beach. I sat in the sand and invited salt from the water (love) to meet the memory leaving my body. I breathed in and gave thanks for the old exiting as the new is birthing. It is nice to know transformation happens within me and through me and yet I am more than that which is transforming. I am not the old story or the new, I am the place for it to arise. I am the witness.

I breathe.

It is the State of Love which is Eternal. I know this. Today, I celebrate love. Mahalo.

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