Try a Metaphysical Christmas
Bible stories to a metaphysician is like analyzing a good dream to a Jungian psychologist. It’s all about symbology. Meta-physical means “beyond the physical.” Or, in this case, not the literal. When the Christmas story is looked at from this perspective, it isn’t a story about a baby born over two thousand years ago in a manager by a virgin mother; it is the story of The Light or the Christ (meaning the anointed One) being born within each of us right now. Each character has its own meaning. The Virgin Mother is the pure feminine or untouched Intuition. Joseph is the masculine contribution or the logical intellect. King Herod is the energy which wants to kill the birth of Light/Anointing. The primary story line is in birthing one’s inner radiance (Christ) it is necessary to give Intuition the lead, supported by the intellect. Then leaving one’s comfort zone which threatens this birth into a quiet remote inner space. Once the birth has arrived you will be met with...
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