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A New Year Meditative Message

Dear Friends,

Today we begin 2018! A New Year.

Each year I begin my year with long meditation and a cleansing prayer. Today was no different. During my meditation, though, I received some beautiful Soul musings that I captured in my journal. I typically don’t share my intimate inner conversation; yet today is a new day so I will. These words are powerful read out loud.

There is a Power and Presence that lives inside of me and It is Eternal Love — not dependent upon anything other than Itself — Pure and Total 100 percent Love. This Love is available to lead me and guide me. I say YES to this guidance. It comes not from my mental structure of mind; but from my Being which operates from a feeling tone. My spiritual practice includes leaning into this tone I often refer to as A Field or The Field.

I get quiet.

I breathe deep and slow and become One with my breath. Then I witness the marriage of the visible and the Invisible as The Breath expands within and beyond me. I place my focus upon the Light this energy carries and the sweet, sweet energy that is felt. 

Then, I listen.

What is mine to do today? How am I to serve? Where am I to go? What/who am I to be?

The Presence awakens Aliveness in myself and others. I release worry — or, I don’t release it; it falls away as I am in the Space of this Eternal Love I now call Grace.

I see walking across my mind’s eye people I’ve encountered in my life. As I watch them proceed I realize it is not “I” that watches them but the Presence within that stands witness to their immanent beauty. An awe takes my body over as one-by-one seeming problems bubble up and pop loudly — like a popcorn kernel on heat and then the seeming problem is no longer. My being begins to vibrate. I’m unable to tell if it is under or on my skin — maybe both. I become aware of the universality of God and my individualized self within this Big Only. I am to rest — rest is provided to and for me. No need to carry the burdens of the world. I’m shown that carrying and responding toward when guided are two different energy paths. I choose the Lighter one.

My attention is back on my breath. And I become aware of the incredible tension in my arms, neck and shoulders — I see that it is old non-viable energy so I stretch and breathe and as I do Light flows into these areas like water in a canal. Aaah. Life resurrected and renewed.

This Presence opens, restores, supports, lightens, refreshes and embraces all that is God.

My left foot falls asleep. I extend it and feel/see the Light traveling through my legs and out my toes. I see the energy surrounding me as though I am sitting in a vast, clear pond. 

I continue to sit. My voice box begins to wiggle; no vibrate; as though being internally massaged — an ecstatic energy covers and plunders my eyes. My heart is opened for me. There is nothing to prove. Nothing to do. Giving is activated. New portals are open. Joy abounds.

Happy New Year Friend. May you know the Grace of God which you live in this year,



Did you know that Reverend Bonnie is available to talk with your spiritual community, women’s or business group on meditation, affirmative prayer, or living from inside your goal?

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