What is Your Soul Requesting?
Eleven years ago I went through a real rough patch. Real rough. I had a major medical procedure, an intimate relationship ended and my dad died. This is what was happening on the visible realm. On the inside of my being, the way I saw and interacted with the world was getting torn down, thought-by-thought, belief-by-belief, projection-by-projection, judgment-by-judgment and experience-by-experience. And it was rough and tough. The only thing I could do was enter into silence, meditation and prayer and listen to myself while feeling so much unprocessed old stuff and crying often. I had to close out the outside world and go deeper in order to hear the Depths of my Being. I had to. My Soul wouldn’t let me do anything else. I assigned myself a year to do this internal sabbatical, but the “I” that gave myself this timeline wasn’t my Soul. One year turned into two years. Then two years turned into three and then close to the end of the third year I finally...
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