The Big Wait
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson There was a time not that long ago that I valued travel and adventure over all else. Put me in a car with a tank full of gas and a GPS and I was a happy woman. After three years of intentional home building, there is nothing more that I yearn for than home. I have gone from two extremes; the wanderer to the homebody. The truth is, I am home whenever my heart is open. As I hang out in a state of impatience, my heart is closed and I go into an inward battle between what is and what I want. This battle is a guaranteed “lose” every time, yet I still engage in it. So, how do I practice patience in a state of impatience? I don’t know. Yet, I’ve practiced loving I didn’t feel it and I’ve practiced generosity when I’ve felt impoverished, so this challenge ought to be worth my...
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