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Artist Julia Cameron’s Favorite Prayer by Dr. Ernest Holmes

    Get this. It is mid-January and 80 degrees this morning at 9 am in Los Angeles. To a Seattle girl and a Phoenix woman, this time of year and that time of the morning is supose to be chilly. Not so. Not here. Despite the warmth, I still refuse to wear shorts and continue to wear a sweater on my morning walks. This morning I listened to an interview between Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith and Julia Cameron. It would be the sixth or seventh time I’ve heard it. Each time I listen, I focus in to Julia Cameron’s recitation of her favorite Ernest Holmes’ prayer. Today and every day I expect good. I anticipate meeting new friends. I joyously anticipate contacting new situations, which will increase my livingness. My life is an adventure. I know that wonderful things are going to happen to me. I know that everything I do shall turn into good for myself and for others. Amen. I lean into the energy of this...

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Dismissing or Diminishing Prayer

    I am a professional prayer. Yep, the primary way I make my living is praying for others. So it wasn’t too unusual when my hair stylist asked me to not tip her and instead pray for her husband throughout the holiday season. I did stop for a moment and wonder if she would have made the request to a lawyer to write a brief as her tip or request of a mechanic to change her oil; but prayer is often seen by people as something anyone can do (which they can) and so the request wasn’t too strange. I paused for a moment, knowing I would be saying yes and this yes would mean I would be actively praying until I knew the prayer was complete within me. “Yes, I’d be happy to pray for your husband, tell me more,” I said as the next foil scrunched in my hair. “My husband gets really depressed this time of year,” she whispered, looking around so no one would...

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A Community Prayer for World Peace

Inspiration: I have a vision. It is one which has tickled my insides for a while now, and I couldn’t quite articulate it until this TED Talk was sent to me, by my friend Rhonda. The TED talk is about fourteen minutes in length and well worth watching. Eric Whitacer, composer, facilitates a global choir singing some of his compositions. Inspiring, powerful, and filled with stories of the human spirit and the gift of music; to me it is a manifestation of the Oneness which we are. This is where my idea comes in. And, you don’t need to watch the video to play in this idea. The Idea: Here is the idea…individuals from around the world (that’s you) create a video of fifteen seconds or less with their one word or sentence of prayer for world peace. That’s it. Grab your cell phone and video yourself or a group of you, and speak your Peace. Some suggestions? State what it feels like to be at peace within yourself. Or,...

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The Wealth Prayer

    For the next thirty days, join me, my friends and colleagues in speaking the wealth prayer in the morning and evening out loud. Share your bountiful miracles on the blog so I may celebrate with you. I decide RIGHT NOW I covenant with God RIGHT NOW to accept the wealth of God as my Reality; to experience the overflow of God as who I am at this very moment. I decide RIGHT NOW I covenant as God RIGHT NOW to accept the wealth of God as my Reality; to experience the overflow of God as who I am at this very moment. I release my need (as in neediness) to know how It works and instead, I accept that It does and It works through me NOW. I am the Wealth of God. I am filled with insights, revelations, and responses which nourish my Soul, feed humanity, prosper me in my work, and overflow into the lives of those I serve. I am an active activation living...

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Partnering Up for Prayer, Part 2, The How-To’s

    Imagine the feeling of your favorite holiday or birthday moment and times that times ten. That is the feeling of a powerful prayer partnership. It consists of love, surprise, recognition, intimacy, delight, and the visceral knowing someone has your back. Contrast this with the feeling of being bogged down in complaints, disappointments, anger, unhealed dredge run amock … placed at your feet to fix. That is the heaviness of a prayer partnership which isn’t right. Prayer partnering can change your life or can be a waste of precious time. I’ve experienced both. As my new PP and I are defining and playing with our new partnership, I thought I’d share my notes and insights with you. 1. Choose a partner who has the same level of commitment to their spiritual practice as you do to yours.Now remember, I am a reincarnated monk and nun many times over and I can and have invested all day in prayer. To be with praying light weight isn’t a fair exchange and...

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