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Politics, Conflict and Division

    A beloved friend of mine has gone through a treacherous week of FaceBook bashing for his political views. On his FB page a mini-war has erupted with name calling directed at him. He called me really torn up inside. He is a deep, deep lover of humanity and serves his community through action. He is a good guy. And, his political views aren’t mine. Neither are the views of half of my friends. Half of my friends are Democrats and half are Republicans; and I don’t love either group of my friends more or less because of the road each party believes will create our brightest future. Somewhere in our history we have trained ourselves to hate the people, not the views. To attack people, not the views. To kill people, not views. Hate, attack, and killing views or people have never worked, anyway. People become damaged or dead and views still remain. In a dualistic world we will always have black and white, right and left,...

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Excerpt from The Voice Celestial

    This poem segment is worth reading out loud and then contemplating pieces of it for several minutes.  If it resonates with you, read this for one week to see what transpires for you.  I believe it is High Truth with blessed wisdom in it.  Love you … In every drop, the sea: in every cell, The Universe: in every soul, the life of God; and each contains full power of all. Life does not come in parts but wholes. There is No separation, no near nor farther out; No deeper down nor higher up, no void, No yonder; and no hopes that cannot be Fulfilled. The Power-of-All obtains in all, And Everywhere is here, and here is There. Draw thou on It if though wouldst truly be Complete nor suffer thirst again. Each soul Is drawn from circuits of the universe Where life and action have their center and Where every point is joined with every point And each event unites with each event In sequence after...

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Poetry in My In-Box

    On the phone with a friend yesterday, we spoke about the impending birth of my grand daughter. “How will I know if she is close to her arrival?”  I inquired. “When your daughter begins nesting and preparing for her arrival, you will know.  Washing the baby’s clothes is a clue,” says my buddy. If someone were to ask me a clue for when their Soul was preparing to open, I would say, “You become quiet and still.  You see your life from a space of animated energy.  You become a poetry magnet.  You will consuming it or write it like your life depends upon it.  Maybe both.  Poetry pulls the Soul forward, or the Soul pulls it.” Ivan, of Poetry Chikhana knows this.  Several times per week he compiles thoughtful poems, a thought for the day, and his insight into the poem.  This week’s poem is deee-lish. Last night, as I was sleeping By Antonio Machado (1875 – 1939) English version by Robert Bly Last night,...

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Raw Art Journaling: Interview with Quinn McDonald

BB  How does your book support individual inquiry into one’s deepest Self? QMc Raw art journaling is the deep-rooted, authentic heart work you bring to your journal. Raw art is what heals and restores, and requires only an open mind and heart, not a pile of equipment or years of talent. Raw art is the GPS system for your journey, and like the GPS you use in your car, it is intensely personal to your journey. How you create art is up to you–from drawing to painting, singing, dancing, writing or performing music or parenting, comforting people or leading a team–and putting your talent to practice is always deeply, richly, personal. BB Tell me more about making through making art. QMc My life changed entirely when I realized that we don’t find meaning in life, we make meaning from life. We don’t pursue meaning, we develop it over time, each of us in our own journey. Creativity is what makes meaning in our complex lives. The act of discovery...

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Patti Digh: How I Know I’m Aligned with My Soul

I was introduced to Patti’s work through a stranger. I was visiting Cannon Beach, Oregon less than one month after my dad died. I was raw with grief and entered a spa with a book in hand about writing my emotions. I was greeted by a perky Lisa who asked me what I was reading. I shared with her the book was on Sark’s book recommendation list and her enthusiasm upleveled. “Have you read Patti Digh?  If  you like Sark, you’ll like Patti.”  She wrote Patti’s name on a piece of paper with the name of her book Life is a Verb.  She said “Patti’s stepdad died after being diagnosed with cancer. He lived 37 days and it his loss changed her life.”  This, of course, got my attention. Grateful for a fellow traveler I went into a private room for a foot treatment. I emerged an hour later, skin softer, heart still shattered. As I leave the private room I find Lisa pacing nearby.  “Oh My God, she says,...

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