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The Spacious Present Now Vital Aliveness

Many years ago Amy, Dr. Michael and I got together weekly for two years to vision a new spiritual community in Scottsdale. It would be called ImpulsUS. This community came together to “experiment in The Field.” We would meditate, listen to The Space around us and between us, paint, write poetry, receive transmissions from anointed beings of Divine Light. It was magical, fun, and different. When the three of us were receiving The Community Values from our visioning process, Spaciousness was one of them. Why would Spaciousness be a spiritual community’s value? Because when one has Space within oneself, there is perspective, non-attachment, and lots of Love present. When there is Spaciousness between two people each person has their own sovereign self, gratitude exists, and often co-creating takes place. There is room for judgment to be in the space, afterall all is welcome, although ironically, judgment likes small contracted dark spaces so it doesn’t seem to take hold. This past week there has been a lot of news coming...

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Thirty Days of Thank Yous — The Reveal

Make Peace Brothers Singing Thank You Make Peace Brothers ( singing Thank You June 1st I posted my intention to write thirty thank you cards in thirty days.  I was inspired by Patti Digh saying she writes one thank you note a day.  I gave myself the challenge, and this is what I learned about myself: 1.  Writing thank you cards created internal space — with each card written I had more energy.  I discovered a thank you note felt like completing a transaction.  It was like adding punctuation to a sentence. 2.  I felt as though I were ordering more Grace from the Universe with each card.  There is a power in the written word, as it is an idea that has taken form….from head to word.  As I paused to honor those I resonated with; it was as though I were saying “this is it. I love this. I am open to more.” 3.  I was unable to write one a day.  My body would not let me. ...

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Multi-Tasking and The Soul

An article in the Harvard Business Review states the following about multi-tasking: A study showed that people distracted by incoming email and phone calls saw a 10-point fall in their IQs. What’s the impact of a 10-point drop? The same as losing a night of sleep. More than twice the effect of smoking marijuana.  Doing several things at once is a trick we play on ourselves, thinking we’re getting more done. In reality, our productivity goes down by as much as 40%. We don’t actually multitask. We switch-task, rapidly shifting from one thing to another, interrupting ourselves unproductively, and losing time in the process. This article is a fun and informative read.  Click here to read it in its entirety I am writing a workbook on the Soul with the intention it will morph into a book after it has been “trial run.”  Today’s focus is Spaciousness.  Single-focused attention is one sure way to remove internal clutter and connect with inner Space. Mucho Amor,...

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Bringing Love to It All

Most mornings for me begin with a several mile walk to a coffee shop, sitting in an overstuffed chair with an herbal ice tea in one hand and a book in the other, and then walking back home.  Throughout this “me” time I am provided with an onslaught of insight about my life.  I may remember who I’ve been or I experience being pulled into who I’m becoming.  More often, I am practicing being present with each step and each breath. This year I turn fifty.  I see this as permission to strip away and shed all voices except my One True Voice.  Maybe they aren’t stripped or shed, but they certainly are encouraged to take second place to the One True Voice.  She comes forward on occassion with some brilliant recognition, more often then not, she comes forward with a deep love and I translate that well of feeling into words. I have been working on a book, well several to be honest, and I haven’t liked the “voice” I’ve...

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