Waimea Wisdom
Alooooooooha. I am in Kauai celebrating a significant milestone birthday. My desire for myself? To see, know, recognize, give, and receive love in all of its magnificent forms. It has become a practice for me. I can sit in any situation and say “I spy with my own little eye, love ….” The Course in Miracles says everything is love or a cry for love. If this is indeed true, then I ought to see/experience if I give it attention. Kauai is an Hawaiian island where I have visited: as a child to play with my family, as a young adult to heal from heartbreak, with my daughter to bond and learn, to write my first book captive on a balcony overlooking the roaring Pacific, to explore deepening relationships with others, and now to celebrate who I’ve been and who I’m becoming in the next phase of unfolding. Yesterday I stood atop Waimea Canyon, the mini-Grand Canyon, reading this passage from mystic-teacher Joel Goldsmith: “Flow, God; flow! Flow into...
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