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The Think Bigger Group

Dear Friends,


I listen to Rev. Michael’s Take Back Your Mind Podcast this morning on my walk. During the interview he shares a recent 7 Day training he took to deepen his meditation practice through BioCybernaut Institute. I knew this was something I want to do. I want to work with a science team to guide me in sharpening my ability to deepen and expand. I rushed to their website to discover the 7 Day Program cost $70,000. At first I took a mighty big breath. $10,000 a day for training. Then I thought I am going to own the ease of investing $70,000 for a training that would serve my Soul and enhance my teaching on this planet. I don’t know HOW the training will be paid for, when I will attend, the circumstances that surround it, but I can talk myself into a cold, so I can talk myself into owning this training as my Divine Birthright.

Then I got excited.

I thought back to the past week where I caught myself believing I couldn’t have something because of my current financial status. I saw a movie where a couple lived on the lake in a house that floats. I want that. When I saw it I almost dismissed it like I do when an outfit is clearly not my size. But, I stopped. I asked myself, why can’t I live on a boat that floats on the lake? I remembered a woman I met in Hawaii who always wanted to live in Hawaii on the ocean. She housesat a wealthy family’s home for two years while they traveled the world. And their estate was more than she could have imagined — she had her own waterfall. Her dream was fulfilled in a way she couldn’t anticipate.

These past several weeks I have taken stock of where in my life I have been willing to settle, where I have attempted to shrink to fit into an environment around small thinkers, and where I have just plain played small. WAY too small for my Soul. And I looked at the list, I prayed for my Higher Self to intervene and I owned my culpability.

It took the desire to attend BioCybernaut Institute to get back into the game and claim ALL of me. Then I sat down and wrote all of the ways that I can and do attract $1,000 a day to me. I only need to do this seventy times to attend. My list was fun. My list was long. I reveled in the feeling of the freedom (God Quality) that comes with Imagination (God Quality) and the Joy (God Quality) that the expansion yielded. I commit to myself for the month of August that I will continue to make my $1,000 a day list. For you, it might be $200 a day or $10,000 a day. The number doesn’t matter. The stretch does. And it may not be in the area of finance. It might be health…how can I increase my life vitality by a small percentage every day? Or it may be the quality of relationships you have.

It got me thinking. I’d like to create an on-line group, The Think Bigger Group, to meet daily leading up to the new year. SO, stay tuned. If you can’t wait, remember I do one-on-one sessions that assist you in identifying thought patterns that suffocate your Brilliance and I provide you with assignments for self freedom. You can contact me at

As a reminder, you and I are Infinite Beings living in a temporary body on this planet for a limited period of time. Circumstances are created by us through our individual or collective thinking. Let’s change our circumstances for ourselves and the collective world.

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