Freedom FROM and Freedom IN
This past weekend we celebrated the Fourth of July, or our nation’s independence FROM King George’s rule. Our country’s founders declared a new country, a new congress, and a new way of doing governance. A new way grew out of an old idea that no longer fit. We do this all of the time. Everyday individuals decide to become sober as there is a rub between the addicted self and the emerging desired new. There is a past FROM which liberation is the desired goal. Likewise individuals graduate FROM a college or university as an accomplishment has been made and a status change is underway. These are examples of Freedom FROM. The old is in the past, it is being left behind, and the new is being created with each choice, guided by internal wisdom and a lot of seeming serendipitous lure. The focal point of Freedom FROM is circumstance or behavior that is being left behind. To have Freedom IN means the ability to be free regardless of circumstance. This...
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