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A Twenty Year Friendship Crescendo

I fell in love with my friend, almost twenty years ago, at a task force meeting for our spiritual community. We each had a styrofoam cup of coffee with powdered creamer in one hand and a day old donut swaddled in a napkin, in the other. We were in a small Las Vegas church in an even smaller room filled with voted-in leaders from across the country. Our eyes met as if to agree this continental breakfast was lame for a volunteer group who took vacation time from work traveling far distances to make a contribution to this organization. Our eye language became an instant and lasting part of our relationship. On our first break, we briskly left the building walking to the nearest grocery to buy some fresh food. We bit into a fresh apple, drank from our sweating water bottles and giggled our bond into existence. I learned my new friend was thirty five years my senior, although she didn’t look it and her energy didn’t convey it. She...

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Until It’s Done: Celebrating a Big Completion

I pinch myself giggling. Close to twenty years of holding an idea and deepening into it, and two years of dedicated writing and rewriting, my book A Year of Go(o)d: Daily Lessons for the Mystic in Training is written, re-written, edited, re-written, published, and now available for sale. Pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch. Giggle, giggle, giggle. I stop, take a big deep breath, send an email to each of my friends, and celebrate this moment. It’s a big deal and I acknowledge it to myself. Until it’s done, was my mantra with this book. First came the idea. I was in a class studying the roots of the New Thought philosophy in the mid-1990s. I read Self Reliance by Emerson and felt like I was known. I read Judge Thomas Troward’s Edinburgh Lectures and had dreams of energy spirals, experiencing expansion and illumination. Then, I got to Emma Curtis Hopkins work and my body tingled, trembled, and experienced a cellular shift which I couldn’t ignore. Many in my class dismissed...

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Becoming the Mother and Daughter Consciousness

I remember the first time I interpreted the Prodigal Son story from the perspective of The Father consciousness instead of, or in addition to, The Son consciousness. The message is The Father is one of Unconditional Love; and celebration of the son regardless of his wayward nature. The Son Consciousness is one of returning to Love, humility/openness, and, receptivity regardless of self opinion. It feels terrific being the always loved child; knowing there is a Presence which loves me always and regardless. And, the spiritual maturity came for me when I was willing to be a place for the Father/Parent consciousness to be revealed within me that I may be the place of the Loving and the loved; the giving forth and the receiving; the Mother and the daughter. Michael Berg in his book The Way, based upon teachings of the Kabbalah, lays out creation in three steps as I interpreted it: 1. God gives forth; 2. We receive the givingness of God; and 3. We then re-enact creation by...

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Loving Yourself Meditation

    My friend Rhonda emailed the following message: Drop everything. Buy this book: Love Yourself as Though Your Life Depends Upon It, by Kamal Ravikant   I went to Amazon, purchased this skinny book, and waited for it to arrive. You see, Rhonda and I have a relationship where we want the best for each other. When we find something good, we share it. So, I knew to click on my Amazon link and make the purchase. And, I did. Last week I placed this book into my book bag and walked down for my morning Starbuck’s experience and sat in my padded chair. With an iced, venti, green tea, no sweetener, in my left hand I opened this book with my right and read it cover-to-cover in less than ten minutes. And I knew the action I was to take. Meditation Mondays in May would be on self love and I would purchase this book for everyone who was to participate. After much brokenness, struggle, and pain,...

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Pig Tails and God

    I am blessed with a highly creative daughter who has a great sense of humor. While in high school she went through a program that allowed her to attend high school and college simultaneously. She decided to take Cosmetology Management. Part of this program was practicing hair styles on people. My dad thought he had a good sense of humor and would crack himself up telling jokes which others didn’t find too funny. Last week my daughter sent me a text message which read “Pigtails” and had the following photo of my 9 month old grand baby’s first hair style: (You have to look closely as her hair color and background are pretty close in color). As I clicked on this message and saw the photo, I felt the energy of my daughter and the love the two of us share come through this text. I was pulled into my grand daughter’s joy and the love my daughter has for her. In that same shared moment, I...

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Quenching the Mother Hunger

    So you’ve not received from your mother the Fierce Love which contributed to creating moguls of success, as referenced in my last article. Now what? I see two choices; lament the loss or wake up. I’m choosing the latter. Today’s post can be the richest transmission of Sacred Energy Wisdom, if you allow yourself to receive it. Here goes … From who you receive The Mother doesn’t matter; just please receive her. And, this is why. Those of us who didn’t get what we believed we ought to have from our mothers were forced into learning to give it to ourselves. This can bring us into the profound realization; The Mother is Everywhere Present. Obtaining this revelation is a big deal; it changes everything. What are some ways to open to the energy of The Mother? 1. Make a list of all of the attributes of Mother then identify which of these were not received from your earth mama. Now next to those, sit and identify where...

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