Love: With Adult Understanding
“We are our understanding of God.” Emma Curtis Hopkins When I was in grade school, my family used to drive from Seattle, Washington to Portland, Oregon to visit my grandparents. Somewhere along the highway we’d come upon a visually boring stretch of road and sitting up straight, perching my neck in ready position, I’d prepare for my favorite billboard. As we drove by I gazed as long as I could upon it, memorizing all of its nuances; wanting to stretch out the moment of the pass-by. The paper background was bright white and to the left side was a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross, head down, blood dripping from his wounds. It looked so real that I imagined I was witnessing the holiest of acts. Couched to the right of this picture was John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” My little mind said this verse over and over again in my...
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