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Happy 2019! Creating and Welcoming In THE NEW

Dear Friends,

In my last post I left you with ways to complete 2018 and close out the new year with the promise that in January I would welcome you into the NEW YEAR with suggestions for cultivating THE NEW. I would pepper my blog with actions for creating NEW and then I would offer the Momentum and Miracles class in February for those of you interested in focusing on ONE thing and making it manifest.

Then, I got the flu. And my head has been married to my pillow and my eyes have been shut tight….for TWO WEEKS. So, I am slow on the uptake of the New Year. But, what I know is that there is NO time and space in God and every moment is NEW. So I am slowly, ever so slowly, welcoming in the NEW Year and uncertain about my readiness to offer M & M in February (stay tuned).

As I do each year, I have revisited many of my books and sources on planning. Although plans can be revised or delayed (i.e. the flu), I find planning essential for having a roadmap to move me toward my desired direction. If I am wanting to go to California; then I wanting a map or a flight that will guide me south. If I am wanting to go to Washington State, I will want to head north. So, I sit quietly and ask myself what my three BIG overarching goals are this year. I know two of them; one has to do with productivity and income — yet I am not clear on how I will define this. Will I state I will earn $X this year and then create a plan to make it so. Or, will I speak of books to write, talks to give, classes to offer and evaluate this way? As I am unclear, I continue to sit in meditation and try on thoughts as they arise. My second goal is to increase my network/community. I want more high quality, spiritually endowed, entrepreneurial friends. One area my life has ALWAYS excelled in; is my friendships. They tend to be long term (many over four decades), solid, interesting, and with people who have worked out their stuff. This goal will be easy and fun; yet it requires me to leave the house. Or to make movement (my 2019 word). I have identified two of my three goals. I realize I can choose a third goal and shift it as I move forward; or, I can leave it hanging until I KNOW. There is no right answer to this; yet, I am choosing to wait and let it percolate.

I ask you, what are your one, two or three big goals for the year? And, are you allotting quiet time for yourself to receive the answer to this question?

Then, just as important as it is to know WHAT my goals are; it is equally important to know what they aren’t. In other words, where and how do I waste time or do I give away my attention? One area is on the phone. I decided years ago that I wouldn’t talk with people who were calling me from their cars as they weren’t fully present to me and I was worth more than that. I make one exception for a friend whose only time she can talk is in the car with her work/family schedule. I make the decision that phone calls not related to work will take place in the evenings after work hours and my daytime, especially morning hours, are reserved for work. The second decision I make is to wear a watch and not to rely upon my phone for the time. I have read one too many studies where research shows our brains are being rewired each time we reach for our phones; and it becomes rewired like an addiction and toward stupidity. I am actively changing my relationship with my phone. I am also looking at my television/computer watching. I have not yet made a commitment to myself on if I am going to limit or eliminate entertainment. I know I want to increase reading and watching on-line programming that which inspires me. This too will become defined shortly.

How are you going to deal with your energy drains in 2019?

What I know for sure is 2019 will reflect back to each one of us more of who we are. May your year represent the Light, Love, and Joy that you Innately Are,



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