Healing a Culture of Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
I have been riveted to the news about my brother-citizens who have sexually harassed or assaulted women for decades and are now being held responsible for their actions. And, I have witnessed my sisters who are brave and willing to claim their rightful place as equals and valuable contributor/creators in our culture. You and I are undergoing a cultural transformation. Albeit awkward and sometimes painful; extreme emotion exists as part of the process that happens in the middle — in the goo of the chrysalis. When I was in my early thirties I was sexually harassed by a boss in the workplace. My story is a very common one. I have yet to meet a woman who hasn’t been diminished in the workplace, on a date, in their family because of their gender. Isn’t the energy of diminishment interesting? In order to be diminished there needs to be a partner energy of dominance, superiority or entitlement. This polarization is part of the dynamic of psuedo-power. And, isn’t that what is being healed here at the core? So...
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