I Will Love What I Love … And Social Media
I have the Witness within me that observes and the Synthesizer within that makes sense and organizes themes from what has been witnessed. This week was an odd one for me. Sunday I spoke at Lake Havasu Center for Spiritual Living on “For God so loved the World.” I shared my inner turmoil with updating a long held cultural idea that Jesus died to save my sins and God let it happen because I was so loved. Two earlier posts speak to this false understanding unfurling (Super Bowl and a Lot More is in the Air and Love with an Adult Understanding). I came to appreciate many of the cultural perils and tragedies that have come through this linked belief. Linking love, suffering, and death is inaccurate at best and can be harmful in our collective shared thought pool. Immediately after the talk a woman in her sixties approached me to say it was the best talk she had ever heard. I get feedback like this often; a shared...
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