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Love Is Still (And Always Is) The Answer

This morning I walked to the local farmer’s market for some raw bee pollen and along the way encountered hundreds of people dressed in purple shirts. I asked one of the t-shirt clad folks what they were up to. I learned they were about to embark on a walk for research, a cure, and those they love who have pancreatic cancer. I was immediately transported back fifteen years ago (or thereabouts) when I walked sixty miles for breast cancer. A smile crossed my face and my heart opened as I recalled the blisters, sunstroke, laughter, signs, and conversations with those who chose to walk because somehow Love inspired them. Life inspired them. Each walker in their own way felt compelled to say YES to a new and different possibility with each step. This morning I was transported into this Love Energy and it melted the cynicism I allowed to touch me this past week. Despite all of the craziness going on in our country right now; LOVE still wins....

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Connection is Service

Who and what are you connected to? When you and I experience connection; we experience a taste, a bit of home. We feel seen, heard, appreciated, and all of the good stuff our Soul knows is who we are and why we are here on the planet together. Connection happens in the most interesting of ways and often it is not an intentional practice (although it can be) yet it’s an out picturing of who we are at our best. My friend Glenda and I have shared customer service stories with each other for two decades now. The fascination is, we both are aware that true connection changes our world. Bad service happens when people are seen as objects to get from; and good service comes in so many different forms with connection as its undergirded constant. Happy Monday dear friends. Remember to love one...

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Love: With Adult Understanding

  “We are our understanding of God.” Emma Curtis Hopkins When I was in grade school, my family used to drive from Seattle, Washington to Portland, Oregon to visit my grandparents. Somewhere along the highway we’d come upon a visually boring stretch of road and sitting up straight, perching my neck in ready position, I’d prepare for my favorite billboard. As we drove by I gazed as long as I could upon it, memorizing all of its nuances; wanting to stretch out the moment of the pass-by. The paper background was bright white and to the left side was a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross, head down, blood dripping from his wounds. It looked so real that I imagined I was witnessing the holiest of acts. Couched to the right of this picture was  John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” My little mind said this verse over and over again in my...

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Defining Forgiveness

To forgive is to accept what is. To forgive is to love regardless of what is. To forgive is to not put anyone out of my heart. To forgive is to choose to love even and especially when it is not convenient. To forgive is to be a place of Grace. To forgive is to refuse to throw someone including oneself under the bus. To forgive is to choose to not slime someone else with my projections or to clean up the slime from my projection. To forgive is to acknowledge the Divine within human circumstances. Many spiritual teachers say forgiveness isn’t necessary. This is true. When One’s Consciousness connects with the High Truth that All is God and everything can and does happen on planet earth and Life is Eternal, then forgiveness isn’t necessary. Isness exists and all of life within it. However, most spiritual pilgrims have not connected with or live from this consciousness. From a dualistic consciousness, forgiveness is the practice that gathers together the pieces...

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Love as a Spiritual Practice

The prosperity teacher Catherine Ponder defines forgiveness as giving-forth. My favorite definition for me, of forgiveness, then, is “being a place for Grace to show up or giving forth Grace/Love regardless of a situation.” T.D. Jakes gives a great talk on capacity in an Oprah Lifeclass. Jake says “There are people amongst us who are volumous. We are ten gallon people. But we may have been born into families of people who have pint capacities. And when you are a ten gallon person and you want love, you want it on a ten gallon level. But if you fool around and hook up with a pint person, they could be giving you all that they have, sincerely giving you everything but it doesn’t fill you up because you’re bigger than that. You operate on such a higher level you say, ‘is that it? Is that all you are going to give me?’ But you must realize for some people that’s all that they got.” I remember sitting in my...

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