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Loving Despite Circumstances

  In October I began the job of Spiritual Leader at Unity Spiritual Center, Spokane. Each month there is a theme for the talks I give and each Sunday talk falls under that theme. In June I spoke of musical artists and their expression/relationship with God, The Flow, The Eternal, The Muse…whatever is both beyond and within that finds Itself in the cross section of the two. In July our Center watched movies together and looked at the spiritual messaging within the movies. Our summer finale focuses on inventors and innovators OR activating the Genius available to all of us. This Sunday I am going to talk about George Washington Carver. I fell in love with his gentle Spirit, just researching him. For a few hours I put myself into his shoes and walked within them with Carver in my mind. I touched a gentle presence within me that is very curious about life and its responsiveness to a higher level of Life. George Washington Carver was born as...

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I Want to Remind You that You are Powerful

I woke up this morning with the desire to scream across the computer WE HAVE THE STRENGTH of God within us!!! And I wanted to remind everyone I knew of our immense inner power that comes straight from the Presence of God that lives, moves and has Its being within us and as us. We are strong. We are made of God stuff. Stop for a moment and do an inventory of your perception right now. Where do you feel powerless, victimized, weak, doubtful? Are you concerned about work? Are you dancing with a health issue? Do you have strained relationships? Are you less tolerating of others and irritated more? Are you scared during the pandemic? Whatever it is, tell the Truth to yourself. Fess up. Be honest. Then sit and invite your inner Divine Presence to transform this energy into raw creative power. Transform it into what it really is … usable God energy. You and I are in the position to create our perception every day. Today,...

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What If I am to Love What I Love?

What do you love? I am guessing if we compared lists you and I would have some things that overlap, AND, each of us would have loves that are unique to us. We might both LOVE Hawaiian sunsets after a rain and yet we might not both love kitten videos on YouTube (for the record, I don’t). You might love drinking iced flavored coffee with a bit of whip while I might love a sparkling water with a porporri of citrus fruit squeezed in it. What we love is unique to each of us. And, LOVE is the highest vibrating quality of God. So isn’t it interesting that our LOVE meters focus upon different things? Who do you love? Likewise, if we were to compare lists of people we love we may have some overlap, and probably more people that we don’t like or don’t share in common. Isn’t that interesting? What if you are to love what you are to love and I am to love what I...

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Honoring 9/11 through Spiritual Practice

Seventeen years have passed since 9/11. There is an entire generation that doesn’t know what it was like to bring a diet coke on the airplane and walk through a metal detector with their shoes on. Terrorism is part of the new generation’s vocabulary; which wasn’t part of mine as a kid. According to there are 15 ways that our country has changed since 9/11: 1. tightened security at the airport, 2. increased national security measures (Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security formed), 3. increased government surveillance, 4. the perception of public gatherings shifting into “hot spots” of concern, 5. America entered a constant state of war, 6. US immigration policies changed, 7. hate crimes increased against Muslims, 8. building codes shifted toward community safety, 9. US military strategies shifted from fighting countries to groups, 10. cybersecurity became a priority, 11. politics have become polarized, 12. conspiracy theories increased, 13. treatment of prisoners has been scrutinized and debated, 14. money tracking systems changed, and 15. efforts to keep...

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The Reasons I Love You

Friday evening I attended a memorial service for a man who loved greatly while he was on this planet, and as a result had approximately 500 people show up for a service that lasted over two hours. His god daughter was one of the speakers who had written a letter/poem for her adopted father-figure entitled “The Reasons I Love You.” Her list included the slumber parties he and his wife hosted at their home for her, the game nights and gatherings, the teaching of principles and more. As she read her list I wanted to compile a list for everyone I love. What a beautiful way to honor oneself and the other person; both. Love is another name for God. It is the Ever-Present, Never-Exhaustible, energy of witnessing and appreciating the Only Thing that Is. As today is Father’s Day and my dad is no longer on the planet in physical form, I get the pleasure of connecting with him in the Invisible. Sometimes I experience my dad by...

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