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Quenching the Mother Hunger

    So you’ve not received from your mother the Fierce Love which contributed to creating moguls of success, as referenced in my last article. Now what? I see two choices; lament the loss or wake up. I’m choosing the latter. Today’s post can be the richest transmission of Sacred Energy Wisdom, if you allow yourself to receive it. Here goes … From who you receive The Mother doesn’t matter; just please receive her. And, this is why. Those of us who didn’t get what we believed we ought to have from our mothers were forced into learning to give it to ourselves. This can bring us into the profound realization; The Mother is Everywhere Present. Obtaining this revelation is a big deal; it changes everything. What are some ways to open to the energy of The Mother? 1. Make a list of all of the attributes of Mother then identify which of these were not received from your earth mama. Now next to those, sit and identify where...

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My Favorite Scene in the Movie Lincoln

In Spielberg’s new movie; Lincoln in standing in a communication center consisting of two desks and small brass contraptions which transport Morse Code. There are two men, one at each desk, and it is a heightened moment within the Civil War. Lincoln is waiting for an update to be transmitted and is partially talking his thought process aloud while engaging with the communicators. Lincoln asks if either young man studied engineering. One responds, “yes.” Lincoln then asks him what he thinks about one of Euclid’s Axioms. The young man says he doesn’t remember his book studies as he basically forgot his book learning once he left school. Lincoln shares that he, himself, didn’t have much formal education, but he allowed his studies to inform and change him. Since he read Euclid’s axiom “Things that are equal to one another are equal to each other” he contemplated this idea in the context of race. Like equalling like, Euclid said, is self-evident. This insight, provides clarity regarding an action Lincoln was to...

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The Wealth Prayer

    For the next thirty days, join me, my friends and colleagues in speaking the wealth prayer in the morning and evening out loud. Share your bountiful miracles on the blog so I may celebrate with you. I decide RIGHT NOW I covenant with God RIGHT NOW to accept the wealth of God as my Reality; to experience the overflow of God as who I am at this very moment. I decide RIGHT NOW I covenant as God RIGHT NOW to accept the wealth of God as my Reality; to experience the overflow of God as who I am at this very moment. I release my need (as in neediness) to know how It works and instead, I accept that It does and It works through me NOW. I am the Wealth of God. I am filled with insights, revelations, and responses which nourish my Soul, feed humanity, prosper me in my work, and overflow into the lives of those I serve. I am an active activation living...

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Six Impossible Thoughts Before Breakfast

    In the movie Alice in Wonderland, Alice says “I sometimes think of six impossible things before breakfast.” This past weekend I attended a two day conversation with Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith where he began by inviting the group to enter into the spiritual practice of stretching our minds daily by making a list of at list six things we find impossible.  The underlying premise is the more I mentally stretch, the less impossible and more possible something feels. I began my list. 1. Ten thousand regularly readers read my blog. 2. Grocery stores decide to sell only organic food which is affordable to all. 3. The song I write is recorded by Lady Gaga and tops the chart. 4. Individuals realize how powerful they are and harness this power to transform the relationships with others in the world. 5. War ceases within my lifetime and I have to explain to my grand daughter what it once “was.” 6. I live from a place which accepts and doesn’t...

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Meditating in the Dental Chair

    There have been many times in my life when I have paused to give thanks for my meditation practice. Today, at the dentist was one of them. Let me back up. I learned to meditate out of my deep, deep hunger to connect with my inner spirit, to know God within me.  I have been meditating daily for almost twenty years.  And, yes, little-by-little meditation has supported me in clearing out the voices of the world so that I may hear my deep, small voice within speak to me. Meditation has also trained me in pausing to make conscious choices over reactive impulses.  Learning to follow my breath, calm my body, and retrain my thoughts have been a bi-product of this practice. Today I’m at the dentist. Laying the dental chair with my mouth wide open, my body tenses as a needle makes its way toward me.  I thought I was going in for filling replacement, and it turned out to become the first step of getting...

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