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Dimensions of Consciousness

Yesterday I read God Theory, The: Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and What’s Behind It Allby astrophysicist Bernard Haisch not one or two but THREE times.  My body consumed it like manna taking in the message through my mind and absorbing the essence of it as a transmission through my body.  There were three points in the book he made which when I read them produced a smile and a YES exclamation throughout the quiet walls of my home.  I will share the other two insights in future blogs, but today I wanted to share what I learned about Dimensions of Consciousness.  It is important to preface I was raised in the belief structure of Newtonian Physics and although Quantum Physics has been on the scene for a long while, it hasn’t become a mainstream conversation  until late.  It, however, changes the entire way we see the Universe; which, is in alignment with what the Mystics have spoken of for thousands of years.  Direct revelation proceeds scientific inquiry.  LOVE IT!! Consciousness I will...

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What Are You Reading?

Today I added my Summer Reading List to my blog site.  As I posted the books I am nurturing this summer, I felt a bit naked.  I became aware that what I read informs me and others quite a bit about who I am, where I’ve been, what I dream about, and where my interest lies.  I feel I am splayed open with book in hand and an inquirer staring on.  I hesitated for a moment about posting my reads.  I share them with my closest of friends, but putting them on-line for the world to see?  Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself the world isn’t currently reading my post; just smart, hip, loving people (wink).  Plus, I’m practicing transparency.  Haven’t we all thought the same thing or shared the same emotion at some point? Shaking and hugging myself simultaneously I began posting. One of the books I’ve recently read is Pat Conroy’s My Reading Life where he chronicles his life journey through his love of various books. Where the Wild Things Are The Five Chinese Brothers (Paperstar) and a...

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Feed a Cold; Starve a Fever

Today is day four of a nasty cold.  Up until this visitation I had been happily writing a book on the Soul and feeling terrific about my discipline.  I would pat myself on the back at the end of each day and smile with a warm sense of completion.  Then, on a 108 degree day in Phoenix a cold got me.  “How can this happen?”  I am shouting aloud in my house.  Then, the shouting stops as  my throat begins to swell.  I don’t know who is winning the race, running faster, my nose or eyes.  My ears begin plugging up and my head is out of commission.  The first day I love and embrace the whole thing.  I give thanks to God for creating a bit of spaciousness for myself after writing about the value of it.  I go to sleep clogged up and grateful.  Day two, not so joyful.  Despite application of multiple essential oils and cleansing routines, I tend to be getting worse.  I take to reading, and...

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My Dad

My dad, my three-day old sister and me at age three Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there!!  Today’s blog is to pay homage to my father. Babe Ruth hit his 700th home run the year my father and his twin brother arrived.  His family lived in a dirt-floored home complete with outhouse in rural Oregon. A wood stove would attempt to keep his family warm in the winter, although the cold would often win.  The only plenty in his family was love.  Poverty and Eagle Scouts principles would become my dad’s greatest teachers. By the time I was born, my grandparents had built a comfortable living for themselves, literally.  My grandfather was a carpenter and built the beautiful home they lived in on the outskirts of vast farmland in  Beaverton, Oregon.  This is where I ate my first lemon cucumber picked ripe from my grandmother’s side-of-the-house raised garden bed and where I learned to ride horses. This land would be sold off a little at time with streets...

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Multi-Tasking and The Soul

An article in the Harvard Business Review states the following about multi-tasking: A study showed that people distracted by incoming email and phone calls saw a 10-point fall in their IQs. What’s the impact of a 10-point drop? The same as losing a night of sleep. More than twice the effect of smoking marijuana.  Doing several things at once is a trick we play on ourselves, thinking we’re getting more done. In reality, our productivity goes down by as much as 40%. We don’t actually multitask. We switch-task, rapidly shifting from one thing to another, interrupting ourselves unproductively, and losing time in the process. This article is a fun and informative read.  Click here to read it in its entirety I am writing a workbook on the Soul with the intention it will morph into a book after it has been “trial run.”  Today’s focus is Spaciousness.  Single-focused attention is one sure way to remove internal clutter and connect with inner Space. Mucho Amor,...

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Bringing Love to It All

Most mornings for me begin with a several mile walk to a coffee shop, sitting in an overstuffed chair with an herbal ice tea in one hand and a book in the other, and then walking back home.  Throughout this “me” time I am provided with an onslaught of insight about my life.  I may remember who I’ve been or I experience being pulled into who I’m becoming.  More often, I am practicing being present with each step and each breath. This year I turn fifty.  I see this as permission to strip away and shed all voices except my One True Voice.  Maybe they aren’t stripped or shed, but they certainly are encouraged to take second place to the One True Voice.  She comes forward on occassion with some brilliant recognition, more often then not, she comes forward with a deep love and I translate that well of feeling into words. I have been working on a book, well several to be honest, and I haven’t liked the “voice” I’ve...

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