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What If I am to Love What I Love?

What do you love? I am guessing if we compared lists you and I would have some things that overlap, AND, each of us would have loves that are unique to us. We might both LOVE Hawaiian sunsets after a rain and yet we might not both love kitten videos on YouTube (for the record, I don’t). You might love drinking iced flavored coffee with a bit of whip while I might love a sparkling water with a porporri of citrus fruit squeezed in it. What we love is unique to each of us. And, LOVE is the highest vibrating quality of God. So isn’t it interesting that our LOVE meters focus upon different things? Who do you love? Likewise, if we were to compare lists of people we love we may have some overlap, and probably more people that we don’t like or don’t share in common. Isn’t that interesting? What if you are to love what you are to love and I am to love what I...

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Goodbye Judgment; Hello Bliss

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” The Bible I have become SO aware of the hold judgment has taken in my mind, that I have been actively practicing replacing it — over and over again. This past Sunday I attended a church service and I couldn’t stop judging the minister. I wanted her to be different. I wanted to be “spiritually fed” by her. I wanted her revelations to align with mine and I was miserable. Halfway through the sermon the adult voice within said very loud within my mind, “Stop it!! Open your heart and love.” And, I did. One second misery had taken hold in my being and the next second my heart was wide open. Once opened, it didn’t matter what the minister said as I was in the middle of a Bliss Bath. I have now discovered three ways to shift the energy of judgment and free myself from its strong hold. Before I share those three, I want to speak a bit about what...

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Thumbing Through Old Journals

I am being moved by Spirit to clean, purge, and make order. This is not usual for me. My friends would tell you that although I keep my home fairly neat and mostly clean that urges to tidy, clean, and create order aren’t common for me. But they are. Right now. And, I can’t seem to get enough. I am creating a powerful on-line course on the Spiritual Side of Physical Healing. Right in the middle of an insight turned paragraph, I am pulled up from the couch and toward a cupboard. And I purge. I clean. I create order. Then, I return to work. I have been doing this now for two weeks. First the coffee drawer. Out with the Keurig cups for the Keurig machine that died two years ago. Then the living room knick knacks. Beautiful. Antique. And, no longer fitting who I am becoming. Then my supplements. Anything outdated. Gone. What I don’t use. Gone. Next — the clothes closet. First calling. Purses. Green Cole...

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Remember to Include This in Your 2019 Goals

  Remember to include this in your 2019 goals … YOU!!! Yes, remember to include what you love, enjoy, want, desire, yearn for, what brings you juice. Remember to prioritize YOU in your goals. Last blog I wrote about setting goals for 2019 and I didn’t invite you to step into the vortex of fun and speak from there. And, it is never to late to develop or to revise your goals. In fact, everything that you commit to is revisable and mutable; you just want to utilize your discretion. This is how goals work. You decide what you want to create, make happen, grow into for 2019, ending in 2020. Then in 2020 you are able to look back and see if these goals were manifest or if they were moved toward. In the meanwhile, you prioritize your goals over all else in order to ensure they come to fruition. Goals, as I see them, come out of desire. De-sire is made up of two meanings. “De” means...

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Metaphysical Christmas: Jesus

    How wonderful it is to stop this time of year and contemplate what it means to be born of the Spirit; awakened, made new, or whatever words you want to use when speaking of the initial experiencing of living from Divine Love. I enjoy walking the neighborhood at night and seeing bright lights in the darkness, stopping to take a few breaths and to remind myself this is a metaphor for life. That in the dark; there is Light. Or, no matter how dark it can get; there is always Light. The last two posts focused upon the Christmas story from the metaphysical meaning of Mary and Joseph. Today’s post is going to focus upon the birth of Jesus (savior energy, New Life energy, Christ consciousness). I invite you to read the following chapter of Luke, slowly taking in each word and what it can mean to you. Luke Chapter 2 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the...

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Metaphysical Christmas — Joseph

    If we look at the Bible, not as a literal text, but instead as a book of the Soul, then we can sit in the energy of the Bible stories and ask what they mean to us today. As we do this, we can look at the characters that exist in the stories and the characteristics that similarly exist within us. This personalizes scripture and allows us to utilize scripture as Spiritual Food and insight. My last blog explored the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary; Jesus’ mother. This was followed by a meditation to connect with our own inner Mother Mary. Today’s blog will look at Jesus’ father Joseph, also followed by a meditation. What do we know about Jesus’ human father; Joseph? We know he was a carpenter. We know he was a good and observant Jew. We know he comes from the lineage of Abraham and David; which is important as both were faithful servants of God. We know that Joseph is the...

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