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What is Next for You?

Can you recall a time when you did something over and over again and that consistency of practice turned into something powerful and fruitful for you? Maybe it was physical. Maybe you were training for a marathon and your body shifted as you engaged it daily with movement. Possibly you took on a writing challenge and wrote a page a day. Within a year you had written 365 pages and you were able to observe what the discipline provided for you. Or, you may have found consistency in taking care of a pet or child? How about making cold, or warm calls and booking yourself with potential clients each day? As you and I repeatedly engage in consistent behavior we become new; we have developed a part of our being that once was weak into something we can rely upon. This is true with meditation, prayer, tithing, service, and study … all forms of spiritual practice. As we engage daily in meditation; we are able to calm ourselves at...

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Are You Seeking An Answer? Try This.

  I pulled into Agape’s International Spiritual Center, I affectionately call The Mother Ship, to purchase a sweatshirt I have been wanting for some time. I opened the Prius door and walked myself through shutting down the car properly as it is different than my stick shift car. I walked toward the sanctuary door while my friend Annie O’Neil, who I hadn’t seen in over a year, walks out with two young film makers. The two of us fall into each others arms laughing. What are the odds of me walking into a spiritual center on a Thursday lunchtime at the same time she’d be walking out of the door? Really. Had there been one more stop light, I would have missed her. Had she recorded one more or less set of frames in her current documentary she was producing inside of the center, we would have missed each other. Get this. I know maybe 20 people in Los Angeles. That’s right. Out of just shy of ten million...

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How Do You Multiply Your Good?

I woke up this morning with the Wealth of Jesus on my mind. I saw him in his fine linen, which scholars say indicate he had extraordinary wealth. I realized that no where in the Bible did it say that Jesus was off to Jerusalem but couldn’t because he didn’t have a donkey, food for his trip, spending money, or resources to get to where he was going. After I laughed, I immediately saw his manger in a stable and had the epiphany that out of little (a manger birth) comes a lot (the son of God with everything possible). Remember the story of the woman with the oil in the Bible? She had a little, and as long as she had faith, every time she poured the flask oil came out. How about the Bible verse Galations 5:9, where we are reminded that a little leaven leaveneth up the whole lump. Then there’s Jesus who took water (little) and turned it into wine (potency). How about the loaves and...

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