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The Power of Prayer: Back to the Basics

Although I have a regular spiritual practice, there are times when I “hunker down” returning to the basics. With all of the noise in the collective field I found myself recently requiring a renewed discipline to go deeper into the I Am Field that lives within me. All religions teach five basic spiritual practices: 1. prayer, 2. meditation, 3. study, 4. giving, and 5. spiritual community. The more “practiced” I become, the less rigid and open my heart is, I acknowledge other forms of spiritual food for me that exist outside of these five primary ones. I now add a. being outside and drinking in the fresh air, b. the choices I make throughout the day to open my heart or close it, c. engaging with creativity, d. acknowledging The Divine in the Life in front of me, e. engaging The Intuition within me, f. listening and tending to my body. In other words, the more aware I become of the Allness of God, the practice of Presence resides...

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Merry Metaphysical Christmas

Merry Christmas. Really. From my heart to yours, Merry Christmas. A metaphysician looks at sacred teachings differently than a literalist. A metaphysician sees the stories and parables as instruction for revealing the Presence of God. We also see it as an internal journey, not a historical reality. I invite you to take ten to twenty minutes, before or after your meditation, to journal the Christmas story as it pertains to your life. I will give you a few examples to get you started. Jesus symbolizes Pure Love. His birth, then, is the birth of Love. What did it take for him to be born? Let’s look at Mary. Mary is the feminine within us. She was confronted with carrying and embodying the seed of Pure Love. It took her owning Faith and Courage to the point of risking her life (women were stoned to death for infidelity) to say YES to co-creating with The Divine for something that would benefit humanity. Joseph, the inner masculine, was given the choice...

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Happy Thanks-Giving week!! And, the beginning of our Holiday Season. I have an invitation for you. I am going to practice Thanks-Giving (or flipped around Giving-Thanks) this entire season through January 1st. Yep. This is my commitment to myself. An experiment of epic proportion. No matter what, at the end of the day I will sit and give thanks. (Note: given the pandemic fear and anxiety in the world, this effort/practice seems even more important for the collective). YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN ME. How this works. Gratitude, or Giving Thanks isn’t selective. It is for EVERYTHING. Yep. All of it. It is the guy or gal who flips you off while driving down the street. The experience of being yelled at in the store. The family member who excludes you from the holiday meal. The anxiety you experience. The illness you are experiencing, or someone you love is. ALL OF IT. Let me go deeper into the explanation then give you some examples of what I’m talking about....

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I walked off the plane in Lihue after a long day. I took a flight from Seattle to San Jose then San Jose to Lihue, Kauai. The flights were full yet pleasant. No crying babies. No angry passengers. No heavy turbulence. No barf bags used. It was good. To catch the first flight, though, I am up at 3:45 am. By the time I arrive at my hotel it is fifteen hours later. Both flights sit on the tarmac for a long time before deplaning. I (luckily) make my transferring flight although there was no time available to use the restroom or purchase some food. Once I deplane at my destination, I, along with all of the other passengers wait to show proof we are vaccinated. My proof won’t load. I haven’t eaten anything more than a Southwest Airline bag of carbs for a snack. I am experiencing fatigue, hunger, and impatience. After twenty-five years of regular prayer and meditation I surprise myself when something so seemingly small activates...

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Is This a Fit?

My one BIG take away from Covid was the practice of looking at my life, my relationships, my work, and my home as a “fit.” I often ask myself, “is this mine to do?” when it comes to an invitation, idea or an ask. I added the question, “is this a fit?” “Does this relationship, idea, food I’m about to eat, (fill in the blank) fit with my Soul?” Is there a resonance? I took a hiatus from the blog, social media, my work, friendships, and feeding the external structures of my life during the pandemic. I now return to picking up the forms of communication I put down from a different place. I no longer feel as though I am feeding an external medium. I feel grateful for our connection. I am glad to be back. What did you leave during Covid and what are you returning to? How are you returning to it? What has been your pandemic revelation thus far? To state the obvious, in order...

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Don’t Hate and Pray

  A few days ago, Nancy Pelosi was asked by a journalist if she was undertaking the impeachment process because she hated the President. Her response (paraphrased) was she has learned to not hate through the practice of her Catholic Faith.  Impeachment, she said, was about holding the president accountable to keeping his oath of office (behavior). She went on to say that she prays for the president often. This comment brought me back to when I first learned that someone’s behavior and our affection for them, can be different. My career has focused around training adults in different environments, public, corporate and spiritual. In my first corporate job I took a course and later taught a training program where I learned to separate my perception of someone (personal opinion) with the facts of their behavior. This has served me well as a supervisor, parent, friend, and definitely a clergy person. For example, if an employee was chronically late, I didn’t tell them they were worthless, (opinion) instead, I...

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