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Living Without the Idea of Sin

  I am on the final edit of a book I have been working on for over a year.  It is a book of daily lessons based upon the work of Emma Curtis Hopkins, a Christian Mystic.  Yesterday I edited a lesson based upon the idea “In God there is no sin.”  This was written in the late 1880s and was a radical idea.  Even today it can be for many of us. Who would you and I be without the idea of sin?  Without the idea of good, bad, right, and wrong and myself as the judge of it all?  How much energy would we have in my bodies to utilize for creative endeavors if it wasn’t tied up monitoring sin?  Judgement is a big business in our country and we tend to feed upon watching and commenting upon “wrongs” we perceive others have made. This morning, then, as I was involved in my spiritual practice, I read from Dr. Ernest Holme’s book The Celestial Voice.  In it...

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Prayer for Katherine Jackson

Two weeks ago, today, my daughter gave birth to a daughter, and I was made a grandmother. I am still learning what that means to my Soul and to my contribution while here on earth. I listen, and take note as I experience an inner shift underway. Last night I was awoken from a dream to pray for Katherine Jackson. This is not the first time I have experienced a deeper inner nudge calling me into prayer for someone I don’t personally know. This could be my unconscious mind, it could be the Voice of God. It doesn’t matter to me where it originated, what I know is; I was to pray. At 2 a.m., I crawled out of bed and prayed for Ms. Jackson who earlier in the week I witness an unhealed brokenness within her while watching her interview with Piers Morgan. Ms. Jackson on Piers Morgan Prayer for Katherine Jackson: I know there is One Presence, One Life, One Love which I choose to call God....

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Praying for Another

In the midst of writing a chapter today on “befriending loss” my phone rang.  A dear friend/colleague of mine was on the other end.  Between sobs of roaring tears she eeeeked out “I need help.  Please pray for me.”  Hearing traffic as background noise, I told her to pull over to the side of the road, get out of the car with her feet on the green grass and call me back. She did. I typically don’t get authoritative with those calling for help.  I knew, however, she was not grounded and rattled.  Standing on firm ground and breathing was a large part of what she needed.  Her story spilled forth.  She was financially afraid.  She had undertaken a large endeavor with a huge financial payoff down the way.  Until then, she was afraid she’d run out of resources.  We prayed together on the phone and I reminded her she is made in the image of the Most High God and within her and around her is everything she...

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How Did You Commemorate 9/11?

I had grand plans for commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9/11 which became obsolete after eating some food last night which resulted in extreme belly bloating. I experienced pain akin to childbirth. At one point, I managed to roll from the bed to the floor, crawl to the bathroom four feet away and roll around on the bathroom floor so I could feel the cold tile against my belly. Falling asleep at 6:15 am in a guest room, I awoke groggy to see the DVD player flashing 11:47 am. Between the time I went to bed and fell asleep at 6:15 a.m. I honored 9/11 in the perfect way. I prayed. With each rising pain twisting some internal organ I prayed for others in the world who lived chronically in pain. With each belabored breath and tear I prayed for my fellow humans who suffer from lack and sadness. I would rub my belly and tell it how much I love it and then I would extend the love...

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Affirming Spiritual Reality as a True Reality

I promised on my last posting to bring you an interview regarding affirmative prayer. This interview is with Angela C. Montano, a Licensed Prayer Practitioner, whose work it is to pray with individuals using this technology.  She describes clearly the experience of entering into the spiritual field behind and within circumstances in order to call forth the spiritual reality not recognized until the moment of affirmative prayer. Enjoy!...

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