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Happy New Year (And Bali Cremations)

HAPPY NEW YEAR AND NEW DECADE!! 2020. I spent my November in Bali. While there I watched a culture practice “ceremony” throughout each and every day. Ceremony is another word for engaging in a ritual to honor and recognize the Divine Presence. Each morning when I woke up and went outside there would be evidence of prayer remains at my front door. A palm basket filled with flowers and incense honoring the three-fold nature of The Divine. The physical, the Soul, and the Invisible. Each hotel, store, and place of business had a temple and in front of the altar would be evidence that someone had shown up to pray and bless. If I were to be driven around throughout the day the car would have the palm, flowers and incense on the dashboard. Rice or flowers may be in the driver’s hair, also evidence of ritual. For one month I was in the presence of a Hindu culture that was praying their hearts open and I could feel...

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Consciously Closing 2018

Welcome to the last six days of 2018! A client asked me several weeks ago how I go about consciously closing out my year. I have a practice that begins the last quarter of the year when I begin making a list of what I want to make sure I don’t bring with me into the new year of 2019. One of commitments I made to myself was I was NOT going to bring game apps into my 2019. I started playing games on my phone four years ago when a client’s wife told me that they increased brain function and I believed her. What I have learned after four years of playing games while waiting in line, watching television, and when I snatch a minute here or there is that I have become a game addict and traded in much of my creative imagination for game playing. I will not be bringing computer games into 2019 and so on the 31st I will host a ritual that will...

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A New Year Meditative Message

Today we begin 2018! A New Year. Each year I begin my year with long meditation and a cleansing prayer. Today was no different. During my meditation, though, I received some beautiful Soul musings that I captured in my journal. I typically don’t share my intimate inner conversation; yet today is a new day so I will. These words are powerful read out loud. There is a Power and Presence that lives inside of me and It is Eternal Love — not dependent upon anything other than Itself — Pure and Total 100 percent Love. This Love is available to lead me and guide me. I say YES to this guidance. It comes not from my mental structure of mind; but from my Being which operates from a feeling tone. My spiritual practice includes leaning into this tone I often refer to as A Field or The Field. I get quiet. I breathe deep and slow and become One with my breath. Then I witness the marriage of the...

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What is Your Theme for 2016?

  Each year, around October, I start receiving clues about my theme for the upcoming year. I notice what is grabbing my intention and pulling at my desire strings. I start feeling a yearning to become more of myself in some area of my life. I am moved into curiosity. I invite into my dreams questions toward the forming of this theme. I am present to conversations, books, and shows where it seems like key words or phrases show up bold and underlined. I listen and watch for my body resonating with a concept. The feeling of this resonance is one of vitality mixed with giddiness. It can feel to me as though I’ve been thirsty and then I drank water. A kind of energetic satiation happens. And, bit-by-bit a theme begins to emerge. It begins as an idea and then starts to become full bodied; like a sponge in a capsule. With water added the capsule dissolves and I can have a more dimensional experience of the sponge. My theme for 2016 began to pop in November; I was asking...

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Happy New Year!!! With FREE Meditation on Newness

    New is a lot more than a marketing gimmick. New is evidence of a transformation. The Bible speaks of being made new as a bi-product of opening and connecting to the Eternal Go(o)d that is always nearer than our breath. Scripture also speaks to the inability to return to the old once one has been transformed. Remember the parable of the wine skin? The new wine won’t fit into an old wineskin? What does this mean to you in your life? And what does it mean to you when John in his Revelation (chapter 21) has revealed to him “I make all things NEW?” You and I are stepping into the new year of 2015. It is a recognized time in our culture where we stop, evaluate, clean up, set some goals and begin again. It is our collective permission to publically claim who we plan to become; what we desire to develop within us. And, we develop through consciously changing our habits and actions in the world. These next thirty...

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