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The Prayer Field

In my last blog post I shared a bit about my journey into the Deep Silence of My Soul. I always thought I’d write a book about it, but knew I needed to be marinated more before I was ready to share my experience and maybe the experience was mine to hold without sharing. Yet out of the seeming nowhere, I am now compelled to speak of my experience with some level of objectivity and reverence. During my three year sabbatical I experienced many different dimensions which were revealed to and through me. One such dimension I refer to as the feeling tone of suicide or oblivion. For a good week I wasn’t alive energetically. This was not a psychological experience, this was not an emotional experience. This was a full body, in a field experience. I could not see or experience any form of life within me or around me. For all intent purposes I was dead. Gone were my emotions. Gone was my thinking. Gone was my...

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What is Your Soul Requesting?

Eleven years ago I went through a real rough patch. Real rough. I had a major medical procedure, an intimate relationship ended and my dad died. This is what was happening on the visible realm. On the inside of my being, the way I saw and interacted with the world was getting torn down, thought-by-thought, belief-by-belief, projection-by-projection, judgment-by-judgment and experience-by-experience. And it was rough and tough. The only thing I could do was enter into silence, meditation and prayer and listen to myself while feeling so much unprocessed old stuff and crying often. I had to close out the outside world and go deeper in order to hear the Depths of my Being. I had to. My Soul wouldn’t let me do anything else. I assigned myself a year to do this internal sabbatical, but the “I” that gave myself this timeline wasn’t my Soul. One year turned into two years. Then two years turned into three and then close to the end of the third year I finally...

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The Spacious Present Now Vital Aliveness

Many years ago Amy, Dr. Michael and I got together weekly for two years to vision a new spiritual community in Scottsdale. It would be called ImpulsUS. This community came together to “experiment in The Field.” We would meditate, listen to The Space around us and between us, paint, write poetry, receive transmissions from anointed beings of Divine Light. It was magical, fun, and different. When the three of us were receiving The Community Values from our visioning process, Spaciousness was one of them. Why would Spaciousness be a spiritual community’s value? Because when one has Space within oneself, there is perspective, non-attachment, and lots of Love present. When there is Spaciousness between two people each person has their own sovereign self, gratitude exists, and often co-creating takes place. There is room for judgment to be in the space, afterall all is welcome, although ironically, judgment likes small contracted dark spaces so it doesn’t seem to take hold. This past week there has been a lot of news coming...

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What If I am to Love What I Love?

What do you love? I am guessing if we compared lists you and I would have some things that overlap, AND, each of us would have loves that are unique to us. We might both LOVE Hawaiian sunsets after a rain and yet we might not both love kitten videos on YouTube (for the record, I don’t). You might love drinking iced flavored coffee with a bit of whip while I might love a sparkling water with a porporri of citrus fruit squeezed in it. What we love is unique to each of us. And, LOVE is the highest vibrating quality of God. So isn’t it interesting that our LOVE meters focus upon different things? Who do you love? Likewise, if we were to compare lists of people we love we may have some overlap, and probably more people that we don’t like or don’t share in common. Isn’t that interesting? What if you are to love what you are to love and I am to love what I...

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Who Am I That I Have Not Wanted to Be?

My dad and I used to love sitting on the couch, lights low, drinking tea and watching politicians running for office. We relished the conversation of who the candidates saw themselves to be, and the vision they articulated for the country. We watched debates, like we watched basketball, and would recall highlights afterward. We watched everyone, and I still do. Democrats, Republicans, and Third Party candidates (Ross Perot being the only serious one I remember discussing). Last night I watched Pete Buttigieg aka Mayor Pete on The Rachel Maddow Show answer questions about coming out of the closet. Rachel begins by asking him why he waited until 33 years old to come out. She said, “I think it would have killed me to be closeted that long … coming out is hard. Being in the closet is harder.” Mayor Pete answered in a way that struck a resounding chord within me, that I will speak to in a moment. He said, “I guess that I just really needed to...

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What is Next for You?

Can you recall a time when you did something over and over again and that consistency of practice turned into something powerful and fruitful for you? Maybe it was physical. Maybe you were training for a marathon and your body shifted as you engaged it daily with movement. Possibly you took on a writing challenge and wrote a page a day. Within a year you had written 365 pages and you were able to observe what the discipline provided for you. Or, you may have found consistency in taking care of a pet or child? How about making cold, or warm calls and booking yourself with potential clients each day? As you and I repeatedly engage in consistent behavior we become new; we have developed a part of our being that once was weak into something we can rely upon. This is true with meditation, prayer, tithing, service, and study … all forms of spiritual practice. As we engage daily in meditation; we are able to calm ourselves at...

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