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A New Year Meditative Message

Today we begin 2018! A New Year. Each year I begin my year with long meditation and a cleansing prayer. Today was no different. During my meditation, though, I received some beautiful Soul musings that I captured in my journal. I typically don’t share my intimate inner conversation; yet today is a new day so I will. These words are powerful read out loud. There is a Power and Presence that lives inside of me and It is Eternal Love — not dependent upon anything other than Itself — Pure and Total 100 percent Love. This Love is available to lead me and guide me. I say YES to...

Self Soothing Practices

    When your emotional body is overstimulated or out-of-whack what actions do you take to soothe yourself? If you aren’t conscious of your behavior, now may be the time to give yourself a look-see. I have my standard practices: Ground, breathe and become present. Meditate. Sit in affirmative prayer. Chant. Take a walk. Call a friend who loves me and reminds me of who I am. And, today I added a new one. Adult coloring. I know, I am late on the coloring train; yet I want to say that there is brain technology that supports my new-found self-soothing practice. Check this out…according to an article by Dr....

Healing a Culture of Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination

I have been riveted to the news about my brother-citizens who have sexually harassed or assaulted women for decades and are now being held responsible for their actions. And, I have witnessed my sisters who are brave and willing to claim their rightful place as equals and valuable contributor/creators in our culture. You and I are undergoing a cultural transformation. Albeit awkward and sometimes painful; extreme emotion exists as part of the process that happens in the middle — in the goo of the chrysalis. When I was in my early thirties I was sexually harassed by a boss in the workplace. My story is a very common one. I have yet to meet...

How to Have the Holiday of Your Dreams

I have a confession to make. I LOVE the holidays. I mean LOVE the holidays. So much so that I celebrated the New Year with my Jewish friends in September; I hosted an early Thanksgiving dinner last week; I listened to my first Christmas music in August and I put up my bubble gum pink Christmas tree with Starbuck cup ornaments in the center of my living room picture window in mid-October. I just couldn’t and can’t wait for the season to begin. As a culture, we are given permission to celebrate and be corny during the holidays. We are subject to lights, decorations, mushy music of love, redemption, a...

God Wants me to Party

  My sweetheart and I have plane tickets to go to Bali. Yesterday we learned the island is being evacuated because of volcanic seismic activity. We’re thinking about changing our plans. On the news this morning the focus is Puerto Rico with the residents without water, electricity, and food. The newspaper still covers the last two hurricanes which reeked havoc in our country. As I sit here today feeling concerned over our president’s mental health and what looks like lack of stability; I get quiet and pray. I ask my Self what I can do in the world and for the world. Then I am reminded … Everything is God!...

Unpacking, Releasing, and Rearranging

I am writing this blog post in the midst of boxes, furniture, art, and piles of good stuff that I love. Despite the house begging to be unpacked; I stopped to write this blog. I’ve written few blogs this past year. I miss sharing revelations and insights as they arrive and I have missed my correspondence with YOU. I choose to not wait one more moment, but instead follow the guidance I often provide my clients. Do the most important thing first. Writing is important to me; actually essential to my well-being. Unpacking can wait. So I sit down to write. How are you? How was your summer? What are you unpacking,...

Exploring Truth and Lies

I have received the message three times. Now it’s time to pay attention. Message #1: My spiritual advisor suggested I re-read The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck. I embraced and then devoured it like a conversation with a friend I haven’t seen in way too long. I wanted to read more of his work so I ordered the only book of his I haven’t read — Glimpses of The Devil. This book chronicles two demonic exorcisms that Peck participated in as a psychiatrist. Peck claims that the devil gains possession of good people when they choose to override their internal discerning ability and choose to believe a lie over the Truth....

In the Name of God

I took my Groupon or Living Social, one of my online coupons, to a neighborhood salon to get my hair done. I brought  book Going Clear, an expose’ about the Church of Scientology, along with me to read. The hair dresser introduced himself and then walked me to his station. He asked me what I was reading and I told him adding my friend’s comment on the book “when you think it can’t get weirder, it does.” With his interest peaked, he asked me what made it weird and I proceeded to tell him about L. Ron Hubbard taking his followers to sea and for punishment when they didn’t “obey him” he’d...

A Playful Way out of a Rut

Every morning after I journal and before I meditate I read a sacred text. This morning I pulled from my bookcase a text that is sacred in its own way. It is a thin book written in 1960 by the writer Henry Miller entitled To Paint is to Love Again. “To paint is to love again. It’s only when we look with eyes of love that we see as the painter sees. He is in a love, moreover, which is free of possessiveness. What the painter sees he is duty bound to share. Usually he makes us see and feel what ordinarily we ignore or are immune to. It’s...

Today A Gift Arrived at My Doorstep

  Today there was a brown box leaned up against my door. The first thing I noticed was it was not from Amazon. It was from my friend Rhonda. I ran to the miscellaneous drawer, pulled out a pair of scissors and ran the blade down the center seam of tape. Inside the box between plastic air cushions was a beautiful painted sign which read “Pray Big.” My heart leapt. I received a freelance gift (not attached an occasion) and it represented me. A happy dance followed then placement on my kitchen altar. With my heart freshly bursting, I text Rhonda, but this feeling was SO full I wanted...

Love Is Still (And Always Is) The Answer

This morning I walked to the local farmer’s market for some raw bee pollen and along the way encountered hundreds of people dressed in purple shirts. I asked one of the t-shirt clad folks what they were up to. I learned they were about to embark on a walk for research, a cure, and those they love who have pancreatic cancer. I was immediately transported back fifteen years ago (or thereabouts) when I walked sixty miles for breast cancer. A smile crossed my face and my heart opened as I recalled the blisters, sunstroke, laughter, signs, and conversations with those who chose to walk because somehow Love inspired them....

Ash Wednesday Can Be Any Day

I wanted to write about Ash Wednesday yesterday, on its given day, and it didn’t happen. Although I thought about writing often, it just wouldn’t happen. Instead, I woke up with a message today … one day after its ritually assigned time. Which is PERFECT. It seems like a large portion of my life right now refuses to fit into the box or timeline I want to assign to it. How unfortunate it would have been if a blog on Ash Wednesday actually arrived on Ash Wednesday. Why is this? Because there is no time and space in God, The Universe, Our Hearts. Time and space are units of measurement...

Spiritual Dogged Persistence “No Matter What”

This past week I watched two individuals completely devoted to making money “no matter what.” First I met with an acquaintance, Julie, who shared with me her marketing plan and funnel that she has actively worked since the beginning of the year. She spoke of people as “potential sales” and profit margins and monetized everything within our conversation. Her filter through which she saw the world was one of making money. Her schedule, commitments, conversations, and way she walked in the world reeked of exchange. She presented herself as a saleswoman, had the vocabulary of a saleswoman, and did the behaviors of a saleswoman. Within hours of meeting with Julie...

Thank You Mr. President

I have missed you! These past six months I have been traveling and experiencing life without having the compulsion to comment on my experiences or share my internal processes. I am interpreting the “missing” as a call back into my writing. I begin with a big “I miss you.” Each one of you have added a lot to my life and keep the spiritual conversation alive. Thank you. And, I thank Donald Trump. I did not vote for The Donald. I disagree with almost all of his values yet I have been called into deeper love, discernment, and commitment to my awareness of The Life of God operating as...

Good-Bye Summer, Hello Fall

    God, The Infinite, Potent, Almighty, is referred to as “The Presence” for a reason. The Present is ripe with aliveness and is where God lives. It is as though each moment you and I are living in a rich surprise custom made for each of us. I can relish in this or I can focus instead on the past (how it has been), opinion (how I think it ought to be), or the future (my wants). In doing this, I miss out on this rich, potent moment of what is. I can carry around unresolved energies waiting to be exalted and freed up from stories based upon my perception, based upon...

Ingredients for Mastery

  This summer I returned to the Pacific Northwest to dodge the sun and attend a week of what I affectionately call “writer’s camp.” On both sides of this literary week, I stay with friends in their homes. One’s teenage daughter is an aspiring writer. Although I have yet to read her work, I imagine she is quite good as she loves stories. She spends her days watching television and reading immersed subconsciously in it construction. She saves her writing questions for when I come to town. My body now knows how to gauge questions telling the difference between questions of curiosity, questions of tactic and questions of weight....

How Many People Pray for You that You Never Meet?

I was in the midst of a transformation where I entered into what I call the Field of The Lost Souls. It is the energy pocket where I believe suicide is often attempted. The energy is a cream soupy-like dark substance — maybe more quicksand-like with a tight grip. Its nature feels eternal. It isn’t; but it feels that way. Five or ten minutes in this field is enough to force the mind working to find any solution to leave this feeling. Anything would feel better than to sit it out and be present to this energy. I sat it out. I was present to it. I sat it out for...

Connection is Service

Who and what are you connected to? When you and I experience connection; we experience a taste, a bit of home. We feel seen, heard, appreciated, and all of the good stuff our Soul knows is who we are and why we are here on the planet together. Connection happens in the most interesting of ways and often it is not an intentional practice (although it can be) yet it’s an out picturing of who we are at our best. My friend Glenda and I have shared customer service stories with each other for two decades now. The fascination is, we both are aware that true connection changes our world. Bad service...

My New Favorite Word

  “Words are bundles of energy wrapped in meaning passed to oneself or another for interpretation, response, and eventual digestion.” Rev. Bonnie I guess you can say I’m a “wordie,” which would be like a “foodie” but with words. I sit with words for hours, days, and sometimes years soaking in the original intention and its energy field; inviting the meaning of that word to refine me. Words are the building blocks of sentences which express thoughts unique to me; unique to another; and together a shared ‘we’ of understanding. My friend Quinn, a poet, collects words. She has a box she puts them in and pulls them out for inspiration. Some...

What Really Follows the Storm?

  The beauty of being awake and aware to an inner life is to be present to what is alive within at THIS VERY MOMENT. This is good news. This is also not-so-good news. Not so good in that I am aware of when I am chartering unknown territories and I am in the activity of an inner storm. Good news in that the more I ride out and open to storms; the more confident I am in The Eternal Presence of Divine Love to accompany me through them. Such was the case for me these last two weeks of March. I experienced tremendous inner energy shifts resulting in a few sleepless nights; some...

The Spiritual Lineage of Martin Luther King, Jr.

You and I live in a time where we have set aside one day  to contemplate a man’s life and teachings who brought forth a movement of cultural change through non-violence in our country. Today is that day. As I jumped out of bed this morning thinking about Dr. King, right along side his image was that of his mentor/friend Gandhi. This is the first time I saw the two coupled in my mind. I typically see King as an inspirational road warrior behind a pulpit resonating solid words of Truth surrounded by thousands. This is the first time I saw him in my mind with his mentor. It got me thinking...

Loosening the Funk to Rise Up for the New Year

  These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 My fast was inspired in part by entering into a significant funk toward the end of December. It began, or so it seemed with an allergic reaction to an antibiotic that brought me toward an unpleasant physical reaction of high fever, vomiting, and chills for over eight hours. A worn out body followed with an allopath doctor’s visit and all of the unhealed stuff around the health care system in my face. Forms, and lots of...