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Letting Yourself Go

There is a Country Western song by George Strait that I have on my iPhone as I get a kick out of it every time I hear it. It’s called “She let herself go.” Chances are you’ve heard it. YouTube shows close to 4 million viewings. The lyrics begin with Strait singing about breaking up with his wife: “He wondered how she’d take it when he said goodbye Thought she might do some cryin’ lose some sleep at night But he had no idea, when he hit the road That without him in her life, she’d let herself go…” Then, the song takes a turn to say that she...

What is Next for You?

Can you recall a time when you did something over and over again and that consistency of practice turned into something powerful and fruitful for you? Maybe it was physical. Maybe you were training for a marathon and your body shifted as you engaged it daily with movement. Possibly you took on a writing challenge and wrote a page a day. Within a year you had written 365 pages and you were able to observe what the discipline provided for you. Or, you may have found consistency in taking care of a pet or child? How about making cold, or warm calls and booking yourself with potential clients each...

The Good, The Beautiful and The True

Each morning for the past sixty plus days I have had a thought rise up within me that says, “you are only on earth for a few minutes.” This thought transports me into The Field of Infinite Love and I’ve become giddy with this seeming secret that my time on earth is sweet, sweet, sweetly precious. And oh, so much fun. Since this phrase has been running through my body; what I give my attention to has become more precise. I am able to shake things off that would have taken me down a rabbit hole of distress in the past. Let me give you an example. I am...

Embracing the Lenten Season (Regardless of Your Path)

Lent is the season between Ash Wednesday (yesterday) and Easter Sunday when the Christians replicate Jesus’ practice of “entering into the desert for forty days” before beginning his ministry. The celebration culminates in the Easter celebration of the resurrection or the new life of Jesus. What happened when Jesus entered into the desert? He was tempted by Satan. This is why one of the primary observances is to let go of one major temptation that keeps the focus away from communion with God; The Sacred. What a wonderful practice to undertake if what is being sacrificed distracts you from being present with the Presence. And, with the removal of...

I Am and I Can

Each evening, my friend Rhonda and I huddle on the phone for more or less an hour and read spiritual books to each other. As we have an insight or desire to go deeper into conversation around a concept, we stop and enter into High Conversation. Last week the two of us were reading about Infinite Possibilities that exist in the Un-Manifest Universe in the book The Thought Exchange, by David Friedman. One of the assignments David gives is to make a list of “I can’t” statements and convert them into “I can” possibilities. “I can work in an environment where my work is appreciated.” “I can have a...

Thumbing Through Old Journals

I am being moved by Spirit to clean, purge, and make order. This is not usual for me. My friends would tell you that although I keep my home fairly neat and mostly clean that urges to tidy, clean, and create order aren’t common for me. But they are. Right now. And, I can’t seem to get enough. I am creating a powerful on-line course on the Spiritual Side of Physical Healing. Right in the middle of an insight turned paragraph, I am pulled up from the couch and toward a cupboard. And I purge. I clean. I create order. Then, I return to work. I have been doing...

Remember to Include This in Your 2019 Goals

  Remember to include this in your 2019 goals … YOU!!! Yes, remember to include what you love, enjoy, want, desire, yearn for, what brings you juice. Remember to prioritize YOU in your goals. Last blog I wrote about setting goals for 2019 and I didn’t invite you to step into the vortex of fun and speak from there. And, it is never to late to develop or to revise your goals. In fact, everything that you commit to is revisable and mutable; you just want to utilize your discretion. This is how goals work. You decide what you want to create, make happen, grow into for 2019, ending...

Happy 2019! Creating and Welcoming In THE NEW

In my last post I left you with ways to complete 2018 and close out the new year with the promise that in January I would welcome you into the NEW YEAR with suggestions for cultivating THE NEW. I would pepper my blog with actions for creating NEW and then I would offer the Momentum and Miracles class in February for those of you interested in focusing on ONE thing and making it manifest. Then, I got the flu. And my head has been married to my pillow and my eyes have been shut tight….for TWO WEEKS. So, I am slow on the uptake of the New Year. But,...

Consciously Closing 2018

Welcome to the last six days of 2018! A client asked me several weeks ago how I go about consciously closing out my year. I have a practice that begins the last quarter of the year when I begin making a list of what I want to make sure I don’t bring with me into the new year of 2019. One of commitments I made to myself was I was NOT going to bring game apps into my 2019. I started playing games on my phone four years ago when a client’s wife told me that they increased brain function and I believed her. What I have learned after...

Metaphysical Christmas: Jesus

    How wonderful it is to stop this time of year and contemplate what it means to be born of the Spirit; awakened, made new, or whatever words you want to use when speaking of the initial experiencing of living from Divine Love. I enjoy walking the neighborhood at night and seeing bright lights in the darkness, stopping to take a few breaths and to remind myself this is a metaphor for life. That in the dark; there is Light. Or, no matter how dark it can get; there is always Light. The last two posts focused upon the Christmas story from the metaphysical meaning of Mary and...

Metaphysical Christmas — Joseph

    If we look at the Bible, not as a literal text, but instead as a book of the Soul, then we can sit in the energy of the Bible stories and ask what they mean to us today. As we do this, we can look at the characters that exist in the stories and the characteristics that similarly exist within us. This personalizes scripture and allows us to utilize scripture as Spiritual Food and insight. My last blog explored the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary; Jesus’ mother. This was followed by a meditation to connect with our own inner Mother Mary. Today’s blog will look...

Metaphysical Christmas — Mary

Merry Christmas. I LOVE this time of year. I like the symbolism, the Christmas cards with long letters from friends I miss, the decorating, the music, the lights around the cacti, and the corny Christmas movies that end with fairy dust sprinkled lavishly across the tv or movie screen. And, I enjoy revisiting the story of the birth of Jesus through the lens of the Soul. For the next few weeks I am going to write about the metaphysical meaning of Christmas. In addition, I will post meditations to move us into the energy of the story of the the Christmas story; the birth of Divine Love in human...

The Holy Sacred Razor Clam

    The last three days I have been in mostly silence, mostly meditation, mostly prayer and 100 percent alone. Energetically I’d become overwhelmed, and it was time that I broke from my availability to others, and dove within my Soul. This quiet, natural progression led to writing my Christmas letter last night where I stopped myself because it was too heavy. I could see on paper I was still carrying my past year without processing and integrating ALL of it. The note felt leaky and a bit whiney, so I put it down realizing I had more inner work to do. Then I tucked myself in bed; and...

Meditating through Illness to Health

Let me give you the greatest gift I can ever gift you. Here it is … a reminder to enter into daily mediation. That’s it. Meditation is one of the most powerful practices on this planet, without exception. Saturday I attended a manifesting workshop at a local bookstore facilitated by a long time friend of mine whom I adore. She  ordered lunch for all of us, which included a beautiful Caesar salad made of crisp, green, Romaine lettuce. Within 24 hours I was writhing on my living room floor screaming as I held my stomach in pain. Shortly following was a fever of 104 degrees. Whammo. Fine one minute...

What Do the Grinch, Scrooge, Moses and Joseph Have in Common?

As a Christmas lover, I rushed to the local movie theatre to watch the NEW Christmas movie. This year it was The Grinch. A full length movie about how the Grinch became a Christmas-destroying menace. Guess what happened in his childhood that lead to his self-perception and his behavior? Yep, you guessed it. Like Scrooge, Moses and Joseph … he was abandoned. The experience of abandonment, like abuse, and neglect can be a prescription for self-destruction and violence towards others. In the case of Scrooge, his form of self-destruction was withholding generosity from himself and others perpetuating a miserly experience for all involved. His financial and love withholding had...

Renewal in the Woods

  “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to...

What Question Are You Living Into?

The Buddhists have a meditative practice where they sit and ask the question, “who am I?” Once an individual has gone through their list of labels — mom, daughter, teacher, friend, woman, etc. what remains is that which is beyond definition; The ISNESS that IS. It is a great question to live into. Once beyond the form of life, we can access a Life Force and realize it is THAT which is alive. The Buddhists also have an inquiry process when it comes to emotions. It is called Taking the Seat. It is a practice I did for ten years anytime an emotional arose from within me. I would...

Curiosity … The Great Revealer

Becoming curious is one of our greatest spiritual practices. It opens the stuffy mind to let a soft gentle breeze in. Once open; Spirit has a chance to direct us. I saw a friend post the book cover Outrageous Openness on her Facebook page. I asked myself (curious) if I ought to pursue this title and my answer was YES. The author shares a practice she used when forgiving someone who stole money from her. I have done this practice for twenty minutes each day, now for ten days. I left in the reference to money because it feels good, and I could change the words to reinforce Love...

What a Difference ONE Change Can Make

Every change and choice we make, has the potential to create a new self. When Mary quit smoking, she wasn’t giving up a habit as much as becoming a non-smoker. Shifting this habit changes how she invests her time. What she does now during breaks at work changes from smoking with a group of friends to utilizing that time in a different way. Now she checks in with her mother, says affirmations, takes a walk or updates her bank records. Being a non-smoker changes the way she breathes; ostensibly deeper. How she walks is different. She finds herself paying attention to her environment, moving her legs more quickly and...

Honoring 9/11 through Spiritual Practice

Seventeen years have passed since 9/11. There is an entire generation that doesn’t know what it was like to bring a diet coke on the airplane and walk through a metal detector with their shoes on. Terrorism is part of the new generation’s vocabulary; which wasn’t part of mine as a kid. According to there are 15 ways that our country has changed since 9/11: 1. tightened security at the airport, 2. increased national security measures (Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security formed), 3. increased government surveillance, 4. the perception of public gatherings shifting into “hot spots” of concern, 5. America entered a constant state of war, 6....

Designing Your Own Memorial Service

I was 19, maybe 20 years old sitting in my college classroom following the instructions of my professor. “Write down the names of the three people you love the most on the three slips of paper in front of you.” I write down “dad,” “sister,” and “best friend.” Then we are to pass the paper to the front of the room. The teacher proceeds to burn the papers and tell us that our most beloved have died. I couldn’t and wouldn’t let go. I was angry. I hated this exercise. I was only 19 and hadn’t yet experienced the death of my beloved grandmother, let alone two generations younger....

Celebrating Productivity

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Rumi Happy Thursday before Labor Day Weekend. As I researched the history of Labor Day, I find it ironic that we would be taking a day off of work to celebrate work. And, I love a good irony. Productivity is a high value of our culture. Doing, making happen, creating, and leaving a contribution tend to be an American staple. I know the satisfaction I feel when I complete a blog, give a talk, teach a class, pray or meditate with a client. As I stand witness to a...